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Interview with Lierre Keith


Whether we’re nutrition newbies or seasoned veterans of seasonings, we all share the experience of a “nutrition journey”.

Each journey is unique. Each path follows its own, distinctive, route. Yet there are common elements.

As we become more conscious eaters via being part of the Lean Eating coaching program and/or working through the PN system, we begin to think more about what we eat, how we eat it, and why.

We likely ask ourselves questions such as:

  • Where does this food come from?
  • How does it get to me?
  • Should I eat it?
  • Why or why not?
  • How can I become a better and more aware eater — nutritionally and ethically?

Struggling with these questions leads people in different directions.

Plant-based nutritional travels

This week’s All About article looked at raw food; next week we tackle organic food.

To go along with that theme, in this and the following Thursday profile blogs I’ll feature two people who faced these forks in the road (pardon the pun).

For these two people, making good food choices became a deeply personal journey that taught them both about science, themselves, and the world around them.

In both cases, they turned to plant-based eating, and committed to a plant-based lifestyle (see our Expert Profile on Ryan Andrews for more on how one PN coach tackles the PBL).

Yet eventually, their paths diverged.

In this week’s blog I speak to Lierre Keith, author of The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability (Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2009) about her journey from twenty-year vegan to hunter-gatherer eater, and the emotional, social, and political changes she experienced along the way.

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How did you start out, and how did you find your way to your current worldview? Why did you write the book? And what has the response been?

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Health considerations

What were some of the health concerns you experienced from consuming a vegan diet, and that your readers have shared with you? And should we be eating soy?

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The “a-ha” moments

What were some of the key insights or facts that shaped your nutritional experience and decisions?

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Ethical considerations in eating

Many people become vegetarian/vegan because of concerns over animal welfare. How do you now reconcile caring for animals along with consuming meat? And is industrial agriculture a viable solution?

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What the heck are we supposed to do?

Practical suggestions for how to eat better and more ethically. And maybe even get some new little friends.

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What does an average day of eating look like for you?

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Concluding thoughts

There’s a lot of information out there — how do we choose what to believe? When in doubt, keep it simple: come back to your ancestors.

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More on Lierre KeithLierre’s blog

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