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💵 Receive $200 USD for becoming a Certified Nutrition Coach within 6 months!


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Meet the Experts

John Berardi



The co-founder of Precision Nutrition, John Berardi, PhD, is a trained exercise physiologist and nutritional biochemist. He earned his doctorate at the University of Western Ontario, studying under renowned sport nutrition researcher Dr. Peter Lemon. He also holds an undergraduate degree from Lock Haven University and a master’s degree from Eastern Michigan University. He’s a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA).

In both 2012 and 2013, Dr. Berardi was ranked one of the top 100 most influential people in fitness by In 2015, selected Dr. Berardi as one of the 20 smartest coaches in the world.

Dr. Berardi has served as an assistant adjunct professor at the University of Texas at Austin and a course instructor for Eastern Michigan University and the University of Western Ontario. He teaches exercise science, nutrient metabolism, fitness and wellness, and exercise nutrition.

The co-developer of Precision Nutrition Coaching, Dr. Berardi has helped more than 100,000 people in 100+ countries change habits and reach their health and fitness goals. He’s coached hundreds of amateur and professional athletes who, between 2006 and 2012, collected more than 30 medals, including 15 golds.

Dr. Berardi has authored or coauthored more than half a dozen nutrition books, including Scrawny to Brawny (2005), Metabolism Advantage (2006), The Precision Nutrition System (2007), Gourmet Nutrition (2008), The Essentials of
Sport and Exercise Nutrition (2009), The Essentials of Nutrition and Coaching (2019), and Changemaker (2019).

Dr. Berardi’s research and expertise covers a wide range of disciplines from online coaching to probiotics and mood. For the last 25 years, he’s traveled the world to teach the latest in health, fitness, and nutrition science at hundreds of conferences. He serves as an advisor to Apple, Equinox, Nike, and Titleist.

A dual American-Canadian citizen, Dr. Berardi lives just outside Toronto with his wife and four children.


Articles by John Berardi, PhD, CSCS

Start with a clean slate

Starting with a clean slate. It's a simple thought. But it might have profound implications for your physique - and your life. The key is to learn how to stop fixating on your mistakes - we all make them. And to focus on the awesome stuff that lies ahead of you.

Expert Tips: Losing versus maintaining weight

If you're hoping to diet down to your ideal weight, then quit working on it, you're in for a surprise. Just like you don't brush your teeth once and then forget about it, research shows that staying at a healthy weight requires regular effort, exercise, and a long-term focus.

A women’s guide to body transformation

Here's a figure program that's designed for results -- whether you want to compete as a figure athlete, or just look and feel like one.

Strategies for getting control of stress

Purposeful rest and recovery. It's an important part of the fitness equation. Yet it's the one most of us neglect. If you don't build in 30 min of parasympathetic activity per day, you need to come check out this article. It'll show you how to build in restful, parasympathetic activities in order to help keep stress in its place.

Expert Tip: Make it simple

What should your carbohydrate to protein ratio be in your postworkout drink? Should you eat carrots before or after exercise (and should they be cooked so you absorb the beta-carotenes or raw so you get their natural carroty goodness)? Should you avoid eating after 6 pm... or was that 8 pm? Ack! Relax. It doesn't have to be that complicated.

To count or not to count: JB & Ryan talk calories

On the web, there's a lot of interesting debate going on right now about the relative value of calorie counting vs. intuitive eating. Which is better? Come listen to this interview to find out.

The safe carbs:

A recent workshop taught me that people are quite confused when it comes to whole grain, unprocessed carbs. They just don't know what they are, where to find them, and what they're good for. Check out this article for a great treatment of whole grains.

Making the most of your time in the gym

Many people follow the same exercise program week-to-week. This is a mistake. The body needs a challenge. That's why exercise progressions are necessary to improve our fitness. In this article we'll explore the many ways we can progress our exercise programs.

The meat debate:

This week, I wanted to discuss something that's come up quite a lot over the last few weeks. The question of whether eating meat is actually good for us — or whether it's disease waiting to happen.

High intensity interval training:

Serendipitous? Probably. Just last week, Jon Chamberg, strength and conditioning coach to UFC World Welterweight Champion, Georges St Pierre, was crushing me with a crazy conditioning workout and today this article appears in my inbox. Learn how to get into wicked shape with these high intensity training sessions.

Forget the milk: Got fiber?

With the “Got Milk” campaign bombarding people with milk messages I kinda wish I had access to that milk money to promote some other stuff, stuff that actually helps folks get leaner and healthier. For example, fiber. If more people focused on fiber (instead of milk), overall health in North America would improve dramatically. So forget the milk. The important question is this one - Got Fiber?

Omnivore, vegetarian, flexitarian?

Oh the carnage! My recent vegetarian experiment has really ruffled some feathers. But it need not. Indeed, there are some important lessons that omnivores and vegetarians should learn from one another. Lessons that'll improve health, performance, and body composition.

John Berardi goes vegetarian? Here’s what happens when a confirmed meat-eater tries to build muscle on a nearly-vegan diet.

By some strange, twisted set of circumstances, JB finds himself trying to build muscle while following a strict plant-based diet. Some say this is impossible. Click here to find out.

Finding a new doctor in ’09

While I’m called "Doctor Berardi" by some, I don’t have an MD nor do I pretend to. I try to steer clear of medical recommendations and stick with exercise and nutritional suggestions. However, one thing I don't feel shy in doing is recommending that each of you takes a long hard look at who you're using right now to oversee your health, both from a preventative angle and a disease treatment angle.

Lean Eating coaching stories

This past Monday, we wrapped up our latest Men's and Women's Coaching groups. And as we wrapped the program up, I was in awe at some of the physical and mental transformations we helped to create. But, to be honest, although the photos and the numbers were inspiring, I was most impressed with some of the stories. Check them out.

I demand proof

The truth is, there are a lot of bogus "experts" out there, giving nutrition, exercise, and supplement advice by day while swilling Guinness and noshing on bread sticks by night. So, how does one know who to trust? Come on's simple. Demand proof!

Spice up your meals – and your metabolism

When most people add sauces and dressings to their food, they're usually also adding a ton of unwanted sugars, unhealthy fats, and a laundry list of artificial ingredients barely worthy of a sewage pond, let alone their bodies. Sure, the food tastes better. But at what cost? To replace the crappy dressings with some healthy ones, click here.

Does birth control impact your progress?

Birth control is a hot topic in the Figure Athlete world. So, what's the deal? Does it impact progress or not? Well, as usual, the answer isn't straightforward. Indeed, my response is typically the dreaded, "It depends."

Insane intervals with Scot Prohaska

If you haven't heard of the legendary Manhattan Beach sand dune, take note. A who's-who list of top pro athletes has run the dune as part of their conditioning programs: Kobe Bryant and Paul Pierce of the NBA; Jerry Rice and Tony Gonzales of the NFL; Tito Ortiz and Roger Huerta of the UFC; Rob Blake and Petr Sykora of the NHL. And when my good buddy Scot Prohaska, a top strength coach, invited me out to the dune last summer for his "Sunday Ritual," I foolishly agreed.

How to gain body fat while exercising a lot

Could it really be possible to exercise for as much as 14 hours a week and still gain body fat? Sadly, the answer is scary as that may seem. Click here to discuss not only how it's possible...but how to prevent it.

When exercise doesn’t work

Recent research has shown that exercise - alone - doesn't have much of an impact on body composition. Even if you're doing up to 5 hours a week. However, that doesn't mean all hope is lost. When you combine exercise and the right nutritional intervention, the body fat seems to fly off.

Lowering cholesterol

Nowadays, at the first sign of high cholesterol, docs are putting people on statin drugs and other blood lipid lowering chemicals. And while these chemicals work pretty well, they come complete with a host of unwelcome side effects; side effects that can make managing your cholesterol a rocky road. Try these natural strategies for getting your cholesterol in check.

When veggies aren’t healthy

Everyone tells you to eat more veggies. But guess what...sometimes veggies can make you gassy, bloated, and downright uncomfortable. Click here to find out how to eat your veggies without the nasty gastrointestinal side effects.

Ultimate stress-busting workout

At Precision Nutrition, we have a few exercise and nutrition strategies for dealing with stressed out folks who want to be fit and healthy but who don't want to add to their stress with their workout sessions.