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💵 Receive $200 USD for becoming a Certified Nutrition Coach within 6 months!


💵 Receive $200 USD for becoming a Certified Nutrition Coach within 6 months!

  • Gain the world’s #1 nutrition coaching credential
  • Transform lives while getting paid to do what you love
  • Earn a $200 rebate for graduating by 09/30/25

Meet the Experts

John Berardi



The co-founder of Precision Nutrition, John Berardi, PhD, is a trained exercise physiologist and nutritional biochemist. He earned his doctorate at the University of Western Ontario, studying under renowned sport nutrition researcher Dr. Peter Lemon. He also holds an undergraduate degree from Lock Haven University and a master’s degree from Eastern Michigan University. He’s a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA).

In both 2012 and 2013, Dr. Berardi was ranked one of the top 100 most influential people in fitness by In 2015, selected Dr. Berardi as one of the 20 smartest coaches in the world.

Dr. Berardi has served as an assistant adjunct professor at the University of Texas at Austin and a course instructor for Eastern Michigan University and the University of Western Ontario. He teaches exercise science, nutrient metabolism, fitness and wellness, and exercise nutrition.

The co-developer of Precision Nutrition Coaching, Dr. Berardi has helped more than 100,000 people in 100+ countries change habits and reach their health and fitness goals. He’s coached hundreds of amateur and professional athletes who, between 2006 and 2012, collected more than 30 medals, including 15 golds.

Dr. Berardi has authored or coauthored more than half a dozen nutrition books, including Scrawny to Brawny (2005), Metabolism Advantage (2006), The Precision Nutrition System (2007), Gourmet Nutrition (2008), The Essentials of
Sport and Exercise Nutrition (2009), The Essentials of Nutrition and Coaching (2019), and Changemaker (2019).

Dr. Berardi’s research and expertise covers a wide range of disciplines from online coaching to probiotics and mood. For the last 25 years, he’s traveled the world to teach the latest in health, fitness, and nutrition science at hundreds of conferences. He serves as an advisor to Apple, Equinox, Nike, and Titleist.

A dual American-Canadian citizen, Dr. Berardi lives just outside Toronto with his wife and four children.


Articles by John Berardi, PhD, CSCS

The 6 pillars of training for golf with Dr. Greg Wells

Complete physical preparation sets the average golfers apart from the great golfers. In this article Dr Greg Wells shares with us his research and some key training practices for complete physical prep.

Chances are, you’ve got a deficiency

You hear it all the time. Just eat a "balanced diet" and you should be fine. However, recent research analyzing 70 diets has shown that every single one was deficient in 3 or more nutrients - with some diets being deficient in at least 15. Not good - but completely preventable.

The Infamous TRX Workout

Want to give the "Infamous TRX Program" a try? Well, here's your chance. JB, Alwyn Cosgrove, and Fraser Quelch collaborated to make this program one to remember. Rev that metabolism and get in awesome shape - fast.

The Infamous TRX Workout

Want to give the "Infamous TRX Program" a try? Well, here's your chance. JB, Alwyn Cosgrove, and Fraser Quelch collaborated to make this program one to remember. Rev that metabolism and get in awesome shape - fast.

The Infamous TRX Workout

Want to give the "Infamous TRX Program" a try? Well, here's your chance. JB, Alwyn Cosgrove, and Fraser Quelch collaborated to make this program one to remember. Rev that metabolism and get in awesome shape - fast.

The Infamous TRX Workout

Want to give the "Infamous TRX Program" a try? Well, here's your chance. JB, Alwyn Cosgrove, and Fraser Quelch collaborated to make this program one to remember. Rev that metabolism and get in awesome shape - fast.

Good foods vs. Bad foods.

I'm always amazed at what people set up in their minds as "good" food and "bad" food. "Healthy" food and "guilty" food. "Lean" food and "fat" food. The truth is - very, very few foods either qualify as good or bad. And here's the great news. It's not to late to change your thinking. You can develop a more healthy relationship with food.

Body type nutrition:

Your body type can dictate how you should train and how you should eat. Click here to figure out your type - and how to match your exercise and nutrition program to your body type. This is one of the surest ways to fast track your results.

The 3 supplements I recommend

Nowadays, a good portion of my face-time with clients and athletes is spent discussing nutritional supplements – which ones work, which don’t. Which ones are safe, which ones may be dangerous. Which ones are clean and which may contain banned substances. Yet my supplement approach is really simple…and I want to share it with you today.


Nutrigenomics: The study of how genes and nutrients interact. Until recently, I knew this field of science was an exciting area that would someday change the future of nutrition, medicine, and more. However, in my mind all this crazy gene-nutrient stuff was for the future. Boy was I wrong.

The compliance solution:

This 4-part video series contains a synopsis of Dr Berardi's Nutrition Compliance Solution Seminar. This video series covers our main strategies - highly effective ones, at that - for helping clients improve their compliance.

Free Gourmet Nutrition Desserts e-book

Introducing Gourmet Nutrition Desserts, a 44 page dessert cookbook complete with delicious "Precision Nutrition approved" dessert recipes, beautiful photography, and hints on how to eat the foods you love without the gaining the fat you hate.

Whey sensitivity and intolerance:

While this might surprise you, there are many folks who suffer allergies or intolerance to traditional protein supplements. Heck, you might be one of them and not even know it! To read more about your protein powder and whether or not it's time for a change, click this link.

The Playground Workout:

Today, my gym was closed but I really wanted to exercise. So I improvised and created The Playground Workout. Find yourself with no gym? Use this article for motivation and come up with something creative of your own.

World’s greatest homemade protein bars?

A few weeks back I popped over to Phil's house for a visit. Hungry, as usual, I pulled open his fridge in search of nourishment. Expecting to find standard PN fare - lean meat, a ton of fruits and veggies, etc. - I gasped in suprise as my eyes beheld a bake pan containing some sort of cake-like dessert.

Assessing vs guessing: PN measurements

Often, we beat ourselves up because we think we’re not making progress (in all areas of our lives). Yet, the truth is, in almost every case, we're making tons of progress. We just haven’t tracked it, and so we don’t realize it. PN now has the tool to track and measure your progress.

Chocolate & Tea– Antioxidant benefits

Can chocolate, the ultimate “guilty pleasure” actually be good for us? Is all this media attention on chocolate and its benefits justified? Or is this simply a case of chocoholic justification? Depends on the chocolate. Click here to find out more.

The long awaited Get Shredded Diet

Do you want to get shredded? Like, bodybuilder lean. And do you want to do it "the right way?" Well, if so, you've come to the right place. The Get Shredded Diet is here! Download it now. But I warn you - it's not for the feint of heart.

What it really takes to get bodybuilding-style lean

Here's a sample diet plan from Christian Thibaudeau, a top strength coach whose methods have heavily influenced our style of training around here (although we do differ from time to time) and who is a high level competitive bodybuilder in Canada. If you're trying to get super-lean, you've got to learn to progressively drop your calories. And Christian's plan illustrates that perfectly.

The Brain Diet:

A few weeks back, at a small research meeting in Toronto, Ontario, my good friend Dr. Alan Logan handed me a book I hadn’t heard of before. “What’s this, Alan...The Brain Diet? Doesn’t sound all that appetizing.” Amused, Dr Logan went on to tell me that I was seeing a sneak peek of his book discussing how nutrition can impact both brain and body health.