The co-founder of Precision Nutrition, John Berardi, PhD, is a trained exercise physiologist and nutritional biochemist. He earned his doctorate at the University of Western Ontario, studying under renowned sport nutrition researcher Dr. Peter Lemon. He also holds an undergraduate degree from Lock Haven University and a master’s degree from Eastern Michigan University. He’s a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA).
In both 2012 and 2013, Dr. Berardi was ranked one of the top 100 most influential people in fitness by In 2015, selected Dr. Berardi as one of the 20 smartest coaches in the world.
Dr. Berardi has served as an assistant adjunct professor at the University of Texas at Austin and a course instructor for Eastern Michigan University and the University of Western Ontario. He teaches exercise science, nutrient metabolism, fitness and wellness, and exercise nutrition.
The co-developer of Precision Nutrition Coaching, Dr. Berardi has helped more than 100,000 people in 100+ countries change habits and reach their health and fitness goals. He’s coached hundreds of amateur and professional athletes who, between 2006 and 2012, collected more than 30 medals, including 15 golds.
Dr. Berardi has authored or coauthored more than half a dozen nutrition books, including Scrawny to Brawny (2005), Metabolism Advantage (2006), The Precision Nutrition System (2007), Gourmet Nutrition (2008), The Essentials of
Sport and Exercise Nutrition (2009), The Essentials of Nutrition and Coaching (2019), and Changemaker (2019).
Dr. Berardi’s research and expertise covers a wide range of disciplines from online coaching to probiotics and mood. For the last 25 years, he’s traveled the world to teach the latest in health, fitness, and nutrition science at hundreds of conferences. He serves as an advisor to Apple, Equinox, Nike, and Titleist.
A dual American-Canadian citizen, Dr. Berardi lives just outside Toronto with his wife and four children.
Articles by John Berardi, PhD, CSCS

Life-changing becomes life-saving for Sharon
Like most clients, Sharon D’Arcy joined Precision Nutrition Coaching because she wanted to lose some extra weight. Six months into the program, she learned that she had invasive breast cancer. Within days, she had undergone surgery to remove both breasts. A few weeks after that, she was back in the gym. “This program gave me my body back,” she says. In fact, she credits Precision Nutrition with saving her health — maybe even her life.

Sarah finds strength, inside and out
After emerging from the six-month Lean Eating in 2010 as a finalist, Sarah suffered some life events that left her reeling. The result? She regained all the weight she’d lost – and lost the confidence she’d gained. Luckily, she had the good sense to sign up for Lean Eating a second time. And this round, she focused on digging deeper and raising her sights higher. Today, Sarah is lighter and stronger than she’s ever been, not just in body, but also in mind, heart, and spirit.

Laurie’s 10 winning reasons to lose
As a former aerobics instructor, Laurie Pooch knew a lot about fitness. And at 56 years old, with a history of serial dieting and thyroid problems behind her, she thought she’d tried everything to lose her excess weight. What she hadn’t tried was giving up some control and letting her coaches light the path. Lean Eating gave her that expert support – and left her 51 pounds thinner, $25,000 richer, and a whole lot happier.

Melissa gains a new identity
Melissa Howell expected she’d lose weight when she joined Lean Eating. And she did lose weight – an impressive 55 pounds, just in time for her wedding. What she didn’t expect were the gains – renewed confidence, deeper self-awareness, and a whole new identity as a fit and healthy person.

Lisanne becomes more than good enough
Like most parents, Lisanne Thomas tried to give her all – and then some – to her three growing children. But when it came to herself, she never felt she deserved it. Until Lean Eating showed her that getting fit and healthy could make her a better mother as well as a happier person.

Heather learns to love her reflection
Heather Nelson had tried everything – including weight loss surgery – to regain her health and get into better shape. But nothing worked – or nothing worked for long. Until she found Precision Nutrition Coaching, and walked away 47 pounds lighter – and healthier and more confident than she’d ever thought possible.

Cheryl defeats her inner skeptic
At 49, Cheryl Eckler wanted to lose weight. She needed to lose weight. But, as a life-long learner she was too smart to be taken in by diet scams. And she wouldn’t consider weight loss programs. However, she couldn’t keep living the way she was. By her 50th birthday, something had to change. Skeptical and paralyzed, a chance encounter lead her to Lean Eating. Through the program, she lost 70 pounds. She even went on to win our $25,000 grand prize.

Toni renovates her life
At 34, Toni Bauer seemed to have it all. One year later, her life was in chaos. Moving, renovations, and the stress of constant life upheaval took its toll. At 185 lb, she was confused. Miserable. And ashamed. Then she joined Precision Nutrition Coaching. Fast-forward one year. 46 pounds thinner, and physically and emotionally stronger than she’d ever been, Toni answered the door to greet her coach, Krista Schaus — holding out a cheque for $10,000.

Ken defies age and transforms his health
Ken Warlick already had a laundry list of medical diagnoses, but when his doctor told him he’d have to go on insulin if his labs didn’t change, he knew he had to act. Other programs he’d tried had helped him lose weight, but hadn’t addressed his underlying health issues. Then he found Precision Nutrition Coaching. Now, not only is Ken healthier and leaner than he’s ever been, but his doctor is prescribing the program to his other patients.

Anything’s possible for Patrick
Patrick Hayes had spent his whole life in some kind of battle with fat. But the day he maxed out the scale at over 450 pounds, he made a commitment to win the fight. Precision Nutrition Coaching gave him the ammunition he needed. In one year, he dropped a whopping 152 pounds and 20% body fat. But more importantly, he won his self-respect and newfound hope for his future.

Peter pays it forward
In Precision Nutrition Coaching, Peter Petrik lost 42 pounds, 15% body fat, and 8 inches from around his waist. He also gained a sense of freedom and openness to experience that he’d never known before. And he demonstrated his gratitude by giving away some of his hard earned cash to found the first Precision Nutrition Coaching scholarship, making it possible for another lucky person to experience the transformative powers of the program.

Richard’s rock-solid; ready to climb
Pain from old injuries prevented Richard Hughes from working to his full potential in the gym, and left him with a nasty Advil habit. Meanwhile, his weight crept up so high that he sometimes feared he was one step away from a heart attack. Precision Nutrition Coaching let him live pain-free without the drugs, while helping him lose more than 100 pounds. These days, Richard’s heart is happy, and instead of serving as a warning of what not to do, he’s a living, moving, smiling inspiration to others.

Peter’s road warrior experience
Peter Blynn was an expert on getting into shape. Over his lifetime, he must have started at least 25 different workout programs. Trouble was, he’d also stopped. Fit and lean for a few months…less fit and fatter for a few more. His demanding travel schedule also made it tough to find time for workouts and even tougher to eat right. However Precision Nutrition Coaching gave him the tools he needed to master these challenges – and left him 33 pounds leaner and $25,000 richer.

Coach David’s transformation from donuts to dollars
Former college athlete and a high school football coach David Sell knew his way around a gym. He was even an active participant on the PN Forums. So why was his weight creeping higher, and why did he feel so lousy? Precision Nutrition Coaching gave him the answers, and left him a whopping 82 pounds lighter, a whole lot healthier, $10,000 richer—and a better coach (and husband) along the way.
Top 5 “best practices” for elite fitness pros
Fitness is changing rapidly, providing tremendous opportunity for some and threatening the very careers of others. But a handful of timeless practices will always put you among the elite in the field, enable you to change lives, and keep your own fitness level inspiring.

Our latest $75,000 prize winners
Since our last Lean Eating group is wrapping up, anxious participants and observers have been blowing up our in boxes wondering who won the 75K in prize money for the best male and female body transformations. Well wonder no longer. Click here to find out.

Help choose our men’s $25,000 winners
As part of the Lean Eating coaching program, we incentivize participants with big prize money for the best body transformations. Well, recently, the body transformation phase of Lean Eating wrapped up. And this week, we need your help in determining the men and women most worthy of the grand prizes. Click here to vote.
