Krista Scott-Dixon, PhD, is Precision Nutrition’s director of curriculum. She earned her doctorate in Women’s Studies from York University. She holds counseling certifications from George Brown College and Leading Edge Training, which is certified by the Canadian Psychological Association. Currently, she’s pursuing a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology at Yorkville University in New Brunswick, Canada.
In her role at Precision Nutrition, Dr. Scott-Dixon develops the curriculum for the PN Women’s and Men’s Coaching programs, the PN Level 1 Certification, and the PN Level 2 Certification Master Class, along with other educational guides and courses such as The Science and Practice of Macros.
Dr. Scott-Dixon is the coauthor of PN’s Level 1 textbook, The Essentials of Nutrition and Coaching and The Universe Within: Genetic Testing and What It Can Tell Us About Nutrition, Health, and Athletic Performance. She’s also contributed to an extensive list of academic publications, book chapters, website articles, and reports.
Dr. Scott-Dixon is well known for her ability to help real people with real lives understand, embrace, and master the complex issues of nutrition, health, and lifestyle improvement. She’s a sought-after speaker, writer, and podcast guest who has presented to organizations, businesses, and conferences around the world.
Twitter: @stumptuous
Instagram: stumptuous
Articles by Krista Scott-Dixon, PhD

Special report: The top nutrition, fitness, and health trends and insights for 2020
With this in-depth report, you’ll learn the coaching strategies you need to help your clients achieve the results they really want.

The Ketogenic Diet: Does it live up to the hype?
Find out if keto is right for you.

How to talk to people so they’re more likely to change.
To get great results with the people who turn to you for advice, it’s important to learn how to talk to them in a way that increases their likelihood of change. Master this skill and you’ll become a legit client whisperer. Here we'll teach you Precision Nutrition’s method for doing just that, adapted from our newly updated Level 1 Certification program.

Precision Nutrition CoachingGrand Prize Winners: July 2019
Glen and Katrina spent the past 12 months transforming their eating habits, health, bodies, and lives with personal help from a PN coach. And now? They're our latest Grand Prize winners. See how we surprised them with $25,000 each, and meet the rest of our July 2019 Precision Nutrition Coaching winners.

Precision Nutrition Coaching: July 2019 Men’s Finalists.
Just one year ago, these 20 guys were overweight, out of shape, and tired of wanting the fitter, healthier body they couldn't seem to get no matter how hard they tried. Now, after 12 months of Precision Nutrition Coaching, they've transformed their health, their bodies, and their lives. They also have the chance to win part of the $125,000 in prize money we've committed to the latest round of top clients. Scroll through these amazing photos and vote for the finalist whose transformation impresses you most.

Precision Nutrition Coaching: July 2019 Women’s Finalists.
Only a year ago, these 25 women were overweight, out of shape, and worried they would be that way forever. Now, after 12 months of Precision Nutrition Coaching, they've transformed their health, their bodies, and their lives—more than they ever thought possible. They also have the chance to win part of the $125,000 in prize money we've committed to our latest round of top clients. Scroll through these amazing photos and vote for the finalist whose transformation inspires you most.

5 uncommon ways to level up as a fitness professional.
To level up as a fitness professional you can’t limit yourself to easy clients and clients like you. You’ll eventually have to learn how to work with -- and get results for -- clients of all shapes, sizes, ages and backgrounds. Here’s how.

Boundary issues: What to do when a client is in love with you, and other sticky situations.
What do you do when your fitness client asks you out for a drink? Or sends you texts at 2am? Or slightly recoils from your touch? When you’re a health professional working closely with people who need your help, things can occasionally get awkward. Use this guide to create a trusting coach-client relationship, but still maintain clear, professional boundaries.

‘What’s happening to my body!?’ 6 lifestyle strategies to feel your best during menopause.
Hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, brain fog: Menopause can make you wonder if your body is totally cuckoo. But what many women don’t realize is that they do have some control over these symptoms. Here’s what's going on, plus six lifestyle strategies to feel your best during menopause.

“I’m a coach, not a therapist!”
9 ways to help people change while staying within your scope.
As a health and fitness coach it’s easy to feel frustrated when clients share deep concerns that go beyond eating and exercise. It’s easy to think: “I’m a coach, not a therapist!” However, you’re more therapist-like than you think. And, in this article, we’ll help you turn clients’ emotional pain into meaningful change without going outside your scope of practice.

Avoiding coach burnout:
8 strategies for building resilience and becoming burnout proof.
You know those coaches who seem balanced, resilient, content, successful? They’re not superhuman. They just have strategies to help them surf the ups and downs of their meaningful but challenging work. Here are eight big ones, designed to help you build resilience and avoid coach burnout

I want to be ‘That Girl’.
Ah, That Girl. She’s got a defined waist, hair that looks styled even when it’s not, and a noticeable lack of kid throw-up on her sweater. After coaching thousands of clients, I can confidently say: Wanting to be That Girl can either propel you toward your goal… or completely paralyze you. Here’s what to do about it. After coaching thousands of clients, I can confidently say: Wanting to be That Girl can either propel you toward your goal…or completely paralyze you. Here’s what to do about it.

How I quit weekend overeating.
In my world, weekend overeating (and over-boozing) was ‘just what people did'. It felt good to let loose...until I got sick of the regret, guilt, bloating, and extra pounds. That's when I discovered the surprising *real* reason behind my Friday-to-Sunday gorging. Here are the 5 strategies I used to ditch the habit (and the weight) for good.

The benefits of overindulgence. (And the 4 key lessons that eating too much can teach you).
New clients often come to us feeling guilty and weak after a holiday season, a vacation, or a long weekend of overeating. Our response often surprises them. Because we know that there are some surprising benefits of overindulgence and key lessons that eating too much can teach.

Sweet vs. regular potatoes:
It's an age-old debate: sweet vs. white potato. Which potatoes should you be eating for maximum health? Well, let's look to the research and crown an undisputed champion.

How to find a mentor, and why mentorship is so important for you (and your clients).
So you want to be a great coach, maybe even a full-on “Super Coach”. But how do you evolve and grow when you don’t know… what you don’t know? The right mentor can make all the difference. Here’s how mentorship can improve your career — and what to look for in a mentor.

Good stress, bad stress. [Infographic]
The same exact stressors — job pressure, kids, money, and, yes, an intense exercise and eating regimen — can energize and inspire you or sap your will and your mojo. Reaching your potential is about finding your stress sweet spot and using it to propel you to your goals. Here’s how.

That fit person who’s ‘got it all together’… doesn’t.
Seem like everyone else is better, fitter and healthier than you? Like you'll never be that 'fit person'? If so, we've got some surprising news. Plus 7 steps to define and reach your goals—and finally feel more “OK” with you.

The real (and surprising) reasons healthy movement matters.
To most people, healthy movement = exercise. As in cardio, crunches, and fitness models. But moving your body is about so much more, like improved thinking, stronger relationships, and expressing your purpose in life.

5 powerful strategies for getting results with every client, even the “difficult” ones.
Wonder how the most well-known and well-regarded coaches get results with every client, even the difficult ones? Well wonder no more. Nab these skills to go from great personal trainer to world-class super coach.
How to eat right for your age.
Good health and a killer bod might come naturally in your 20s… but what about your 30s through to your 80s? Here’s how to eat right for your age and feel great at every stage of life.

12 awful fitness coaching techniques that could be hurting your clients.
Is your coaching style helping—or hurting—clients? It’s worth exploring. Because, when your go-to fitness coaching techniques kill progress, it’s time to explore some different methods.
Brain training for fitness coaches. (Plus Jedi mind tricks.)
Welcome to brain training for fitness. Most fitness pros know that helping clients develop physical skills is critical. But most don’t realize that helping clients develop mental skills may be even more important.
