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💵 Receive $200 USD for becoming a Certified Nutrition Coach within 6 months!


💵 Receive $200 USD for becoming a Certified Nutrition Coach within 6 months!

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  • Earn a $200 rebate for graduating by 09/30/25

Meet the Experts

Krista Scott-Dixon



Krista Scott-Dixon, PhD, is Precision Nutrition’s director of curriculum. She earned her doctorate in Women’s Studies from York University. She holds counseling certifications from George Brown College and Leading Edge Training, which is certified by the Canadian Psychological Association. Currently, she’s pursuing a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology at Yorkville University in New Brunswick, Canada.

In her role at Precision Nutrition, Dr. Scott-Dixon develops the curriculum for the PN Women’s and Men’s Coaching programs, the PN Level 1 Certification, and the PN Level 2 Certification Master Class, along with other educational guides and courses such as The Science and Practice of Macros.

Dr. Scott-Dixon is the coauthor of PN’s Level 1 textbook, The Essentials of Nutrition and Coaching and The Universe Within: Genetic Testing and What It Can Tell Us About Nutrition, Health, and Athletic Performance. She’s also contributed to an extensive list of academic publications, book chapters, website articles, and reports.

Dr. Scott-Dixon is well known for her ability to help real people with real lives understand, embrace, and master the complex issues of nutrition, health, and lifestyle improvement. She’s a sought-after speaker, writer, and podcast guest who has presented to organizations, businesses, and conferences around the world.

Twitter: @stumptuous
Instagram: stumptuous

Articles by Krista Scott-Dixon, PhD

Paleo for Everyone seminar: Part 2

In March 2012, we were invited to speak at the PaleoFX conference in Austin, TX. In this second installment of Paleo for Everyone, we discuss how real people can adapt the ideas of healthy living, including the best practices of primal or ancestral health. Hint: it involves using change psychology rather than dogmatic nutritional fundamentalism.

Paleo for Everyone seminar: Part 1

In March 2012, we were invited to speak at the PaleoFX conference in Austin, TX. In this first installment of our presentation, we look at how understanding the reality of behaviour change works better than dogmatic nutritional fundamentalism.

Nutrition Coaching for Cancer Survivors

Carrie Stricker, PhD, RN, and Kathryn Schmitz, PhD, MPH - researchers at the University of Pennsylvania's Abramson Cancer Center - are investigating whether Precision Nutrition's Lean Eating Coaching Program might benefit young adult cancer survivors. And, as of January 2012, 45 cancer survivors joined Lean Eating as part of the initial pilot project.

Dealing with mysterious hunger

Mysterious hunger is when you "feel hungry" but you know you can't be. It's when you're "hungry" for more food even though you're already full. In this article we explore how you can actually feel hungry but be experiencing a totally different emotion instead. We also share a dozen strategies for uncovering the mystery of "mysterious hunger."

Kitchen 911

Coach Jay is air-dropped by the PN secret ops into a New York City apartment. The mission: Save a Precision Nutrition client from his own cupboards. Coach Jay shows us how to prep 20 lb of meat and a "crap-ton" of vegetables in record time.

Eat, Sweat, Love: A day in the life of PN

What happens when 17 fit people get together? A behind-the-scenes look at what goes on at PN HQ. Hint: It involves steak, salad, and Swiss balls.

Weight gain advice from PN Coaching clients

Last week, I brought you some advice from guys enrolled in the Scrawny to Brawny coaching program -- advice from skinny guys that can actually help you lose fat. This week, people who are trying to lose fat return the favour.

Weight loss advice from skinny guys

While there are undoubtedly some physiological differences between "naturally" lean people and "naturally" heavier people, it's not all just genetics or metabolism. Naturally leaner people think and act differently too.

Make your own (healthy) chocolate

Dark chocolate brings us bliss, keeps us alert, and nourishes us. And it's easy to make!

Fighting fit with Chad Waterbury

How do MMA athletes get their elite fitness? Chad Waterbury knows. He's the strength & conditioning genius who prepared Ralek Gracie to endure his gut-wrenching, lung-busting three rounds with Kazushi Sakuraba. And he's releasing his new conditioning program, Body of F.I.R.E. I caught up with Chad and asked about his trade secrets.

Lean Eating coaches confess – Part 3

Last week, I brought you confessions from our women's Lean Eating Program coaches. Now it's the men's turn to tell us their secrets, and how they use their PN wisdom to stay on track.

Lean Eating coaches confess – Part 2

Last week I brought you some True Tales from The PN Trenches, and kicked off some confessions from one of the Lean Eating Program coaches... me. (And I reminded you of JB's commitment to a junk-free house.) This week, let's check in with the coaches of the women's Lean Eating and Lean Eating Alumni program.

How to lose 70 lbs & 20% fat

PN member YLR astounded the judges at the end of the second 2009 Lean Eating program. His remarkable transformation -- losing 50 lbs and 13% body fat in 6 months -- enabled him to walk away with a cool $10,000 as the winner of the men's division. Was he a superstar? A keener? No, he was just a regular guy who got a second chance. Here's his story.

Lean Eating coaches confess – Part 1

We've got some pretty amazing people running our Lean Eating and Lean Eating Alumni programs. You'd think that because our coaches are "experts", they're perfect. They probably never have a bad hair day, a bad workout, or a bad meal. Guess again.

How to lose 40 lbs & 20% fat

PN member Cynthia was a clear winner at the end of 2009's Lean Eating contest, showing that she knew how to stuff a wild bikini and walk away with our top prize of $10,000 as the winner of the women's division. Here, she tells her story of losing 40 lbs and 20% bodyfat.

Athlete Profile: Jody Burrows

What happens when the student becomes the teacher? When star basketball player Jody Burrows became the assistant coach of Northeastern University's women's team and learned about the PN system, she realized she had a chance to learn from her mistakes... and to share that insight with others.

Expert tips: Female body breakthroughs

In March 2009, we profiled expert trainer Rachel Cosgrove, who was running a 12-week body transformation challenge for her female clients. Along with their bodies, the women also transformed their lives and mindset. Now Rachel's shared those stories in a new book, The Female Body Breakthrough. Here, she sits down with Lean Eating coach Krista Scott-Dixon to talk about women, strength training, and what REALLY works.

Interview with Pam Boteler

Pam Boteler is a sprint canoeist and raw vegan advocate. Here, Pam talks about her diet, her champion mindset, and how nutrition fuels her world-class performance.

Interview with Lierre Keith

Making good food choices can become a deeply personal journey that teaches us about science, themselves, and the world around us. Many people turn to plant-based eating, and commit to a plant-based lifestyle. In this profile, I interview Lierre Keith, author of The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability (Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2009) about her journey from twenty-year vegan to hunter-gatherer eater, and the emotional, social, and political changes she experienced along the way.

Expert Tips: The cone of learning

Revealed: JB's magic secret for making nutrition and exercise knowledge stick to your brain like a barnacle!