
💥 Buy 1 for ONLY $49/month—and Get 1 FREE! SSR Certification + Specialist Program


💥 Buy 1 for ONLY $49/month—and Get 1 FREE! SSR Certification + Specialist Program

Buy 1 for ONLY $49/month—and Get 1 FREE!

Sleep, Stress, & Recovery Certification + Specialist Program

  • Unlock lasting client transformations by addressing the root causes of their struggles
  • Specialize in the health area that matters most to you and your clients
  • Limited time offer: Ends Friday!

Create the perfect meal with this simple 5-step guide. [Infographic]
Hundreds of healthy meal combinations made easy.


You know you need a good balance of proteins, carbs, fats. But how do you turn that knowledge into healthy meals that taste delicious? Just mix and match these ingredients, flavor profiles, and cooking methods to create the perfect meal every time. Seriously, this guide could change your life.


At Precision Nutrition, it’s our mission to help clients develop healthy eating habits for life. That means:

  • Eating fresh, minimally-processed food as often as possible.
  • Including a balance of protein, veggies, smart carbs, healthy fats.
  • Adjusting portions to meet health and body composition goals.

That all sounds great. But the trick is to do it all in a way that’s super-easy and tastes awesome.

That’s where Precision Nutrition’s all-star chef, Jennifer Nickle, comes in.

Jen’s been chef to UFC legend Georges St-Pierre and to tennis pros like Sloane Stephens and Eugenie Bouchard. She’s taught some of the best athletes in the world how to eat.

And now it’s your turn.

Behold the Perfect Meal cheat sheet.

For the past few weeks Jen and I have been working together to create a cheat sheet that helps clients build amazing meals that pack in maximum flavor with minimal effort. And it’s finally ready.

Using the simple instructions in this infographic, you’ll be able to mix and match ingredients and flavor profiles to come up with literally thousands of easy, delicious, health-supporting meals.

Warning: This guide could change your life.

Download the infographic for your printer or tablet. Keep it in your kitchen or bring it along on your next grocery shopping trip. And be sure to share it with your friends.

Again, don’t forget to download or print out this infographic so you have it handy next time you want to create the perfect meal.

If you’re a health and fitness pro…

When your clients are stressed and exhausted, everything else becomes a struggle: going to the gym, choosing healthy foods, and managing cravings.

But with the right tools, you can help your clients overcome obstacles like chronic stress and poor sleep—leading them toward the lasting health transformations they’ve always wanted.

PN’s Level 1 Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery (SSR) Coaching Certification will give you these tools. And it’ll give you confidence and credibility as a specialized coach who can solve the biggest problems blocking any clients’ progress. (You can enroll now in the SSR Certification at a big discount.)

Buy 1 for $49/month—and Get 1 FREE! PN Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery (SSR) Certification + Specialist Program.

Your clients’ biggest struggles aren’t about willpower—they’re about stress, sleep, and recovery.

With the SSR Certification, you’re not just supporting clients—you’re helping them rewire their brain, regain control, and achieve better-than-ever health and fitness results.

Enroll this week and you’ll also choose a PN Specialist Program—FREE! This is your chance to specialize in the health area that matters most to you and your clients—while earning a 2nd professional credential (and additional CEUs!) at zero cost!

Get BOTH programs for only $49/USD x 12 months (Ends Friday.)