True stories: How these 6 people overcame huge health and fitness barriers (and you can too).


Wouldn’t it be nice if embarking on a health and fitness journey meant a straight line to success? For better or worse, that’s not real life—but there is hope. Here are six true stories from Precision Nutrition Coaching clients who faced major obstacles on the road to weight loss, overcame them, and used what they learned to become better and stronger people than ever before.


It’s become a quintessential question of the modern age: Why is it so hard for people to lose weight and get fit?

The answer is, well, life.

Demanding jobs. Fear of change. Plummeting self-confidence. Social lives that revolve around beer and bar food. Starting a family. Caring for a sick loved one, or maybe even grieving a loss.

These health and fitness barriers can feel insurmountable to those facing them.

Sometimes, for a period, hopelessness will have its way. You might feel like no one understands and no one can help you. You might feel like there’s nothing beyond the bottom.

In the course of coaching over 150,000 clients, Precision Nutrition coaches have heard ALL the stories of struggle—nail-biters and gut-punchers and heartbreakers. And if we’ve learned anything from these stories, it’s that people are strong.

It seems somewhere inside us all there’s a little voice that says: Keep going.

The following six stories are from people who kept going.

Despite the major obstacles they faced, these Precision Nutrition Coaching clients managed to keep moving forward and crest the top of their personal mountain.

These stories are from real people just like you.

Which means, if you’ve hit a seemingly immovable rock, whatever that looks like for you, the story isn’t over.

You just have to keep going.

Meet Bob.

At just 59, Bob Miller had experienced several brushes with death due to serious heart and kidney problems. But a desire to meet his someday grandkids pushed him to enroll in coaching, and he achieved what once seemed impossible. Now, with a healthier body and significant weight loss, Bob is embracing a future full of possibilities.

Meet Nivi.

Nivi Jaswal was a high-performing senior executive with a relentless drive to succeed—until one day she woke up on a hotel room floor having passed out from exhaustion. At 37 years old, she learned that self-compassion, not perfectionism, was the way to achieve her full potential.

Meet Daniel.

Daniel Hayes, a dedicated marathon runner, came close to suffering a fatal heart attack at age 38. After surgery and metabolism-slowing meds, Daniel just couldn’t seem to find a way back to his fit, healthy self. Precision Nutrition Coaching helped him find the path to sustainable habits that will keep him healthy for the long term.

Meet Sheila.

Before Precision Nutrition Coaching, going to the gym was terrifying for 49-year-old Sheila Brooks. After years of believing she wasn’t cut out for exercise due to a disability, she got comfortable picking up heavy barbells—and redefined herself as capable and strong in the process.

Meet Dan.

After the unexpected loss of his wife, Dan Hibbert was left with a tremendous amount of grief and five kids to care for. He made the powerful choice to step up for his family, and through Precision Nutrition Coaching, the 45-year-old has discovered that fitness could be one of his greatest allies in coping with loss.

Meet Alana.

When Alana Wylie-Reeves, 54, started Precision Nutrition Coaching, she could barely bend over to pick something up off the floor. After a year with the program, she shed the extra weight that was slowing her down, and gained the knowledge that she’s more resilient than she ever imagined.

Want help becoming the healthiest, fittest, strongest version of you?

Most people know that regular movement, eating well, sleep, and stress management are important for looking and feeling better. Yet they need help applying that knowledge in the context of their busy, sometimes stressful lives.

Over the past the past two decades, we’ve used the Precision Nutrition Coaching method to help over 150,000 clients lose fat, get stronger, and improve their physical and mental health… for the long-term… no matter what challenges they’re dealing with.

It’s also why we work with health, fitness, and wellness professionals (through our Level 1 and Level 2 Certification programs) to teach them how to coach their own clients through the same challenges.

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