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Lean Eating Prize Winners: Aug 2010


Katey Caswell, the Grand Prize winner from our last LE for Women program, with her $10,000 check.

Time to announce the grand prize winners from our last Lean Eating Coaching Program!

Each year, our Lean Eating Coaching Program helps hundreds of clients get in the best shape of their lives, often with dramatic fat loss.

As a bonus incentive to keep our clients going when the going gets tough, we put up cash prizes for the best body transformation stories.  Last round there was $40,000 up for grabs; for our next program – starting Wednesday July 6th – the prize money jumps to $50,000.

[Brief aside: if you want to become a client in our next program, I strongly suggest you get on the presale list now.  This gives you an early bird chance to reserve one of the limited number of spots available. They’re first-come, first-serve, and typically sell out in hours.]

Last month we posted our male finalists and female finalists, each in contention for the $20,000 in prizes for men and $20,000 in prizes for women.

Today, the winners.

But before doing this, I’ve gotta say: it was really, really tough.

The last round of Lean Eating produced some of the most outstanding transformations – physical and lifestyle transformations – I’ve seen in my entire life. We spent months painstakingly going through all of our finalists’ data, listening to the PN community, and scheduling long meetings with the PN Team.

(Our criteria for choosing were measurement data, participation data, client attitude, coach feedback, community voting, and in-house voting as well.)

In the end, although we had dozens of potential winners, we had to choose. There could only be two.

The $10,000 grand-prize winner, LE for Women

Forum name – “Take A Breath”
Age – 43
Starting weight – 209 lbs; Total inches – 250
Ending weight – 139 lbs; Total inches – 195

Her experience – “LE is an amazing tool.  Awesome online interface, pertinent easy to follow daily lessons, accountability, group support, and safe effective workouts.  It’s brilliant.  Then tie it all together with amazing coaching.  I loved the program.

And I can’t say enough about my coach.  It’s so obvious how much she really cares.  I’ve seen her replies to questions on the forum and I’m always impressed with her thoroughness, patience and knowledge.  She has a real gift. Combine that with her genuine caring about each of us and you have a perfect storm of success.”

The $10,000 grand-prize winner, LE for Men

Forum name – “Finalist #6″
Age – 25
Starting weight – 205 lbs; Waist size – 37.5 inches
Ending weight – 168 lbs; Waist size – 30.5 inches

His experience – “This is, hands down, the best nutrition/weight-loss program out there.  My coach Ryan Andrews was simply amazing, and I think the overall ingredients of the program – daily lessons, habit-changes, mentoring, social support, etc – were the real keys to my success.  Honestly, you probably won’t find a greater champion or advocate than I am.  PN’s ability to meet the needs of real people trying to lose weight is second to none.”

Coach Krista surprises our women’s winner, Katey Caswell, with the $10,000 check!

As you can see from the grand prize winners above, the Lean Eating program is about helping real people make real transformations. As we’ve said many times before, to participate in Lean Eating you don’t have to start out looking like a fitness model. Heck, you don’t even have to end up looking like a fitness model. Rather, the idea here is to become the best you possible.

Of course, as mentioned above, there were a lot of folks achieving their best selves in this last round. Below, we’ve included just the runners up from the $40,000 contest. If you’d like to see our entire list of finalists, check out our Lean Eating for Men Finalists and Lean Eating for Women Finalists.

But before that, check out what happened when we surprised our women’s grand prize winner, Katey Caswell, with her $10,000 check.

What an awesome way to celebrate Katey’s transformation!

Our Lean Eating $5,000 2nd place runners Up

Forum name – “tbquest”
Age – 32
Starting weight – 247 lbs; Waist size – 44 inches
Ending weight – 194; Waist size – 34 inches

His experience – “I have been asked a lot recently to summarize the program but have had trouble doing so.  The change I have undergone is so broad and deep, the benefits are immeasurable, it is hard to know where to start.  If I had to pick one point that has been the deepest and will probably be the most long lasting mark (besides a healthy kick ass looking body) is the mental and psychological side.  It dawned on me the other day that Lean Eating is a psychological program with a happy physical side effect.

I spent most of my twenties above 275 occasionally getting down even as low as 245 before falling back.  Being an engineer I read everything and tried everything I could.  It wasn’t until I hit the bottom that I finally signed up for Lean Eating. I remember one of the first requests LE made was to forget everything and start fresh.  I did that and threw myself into the habits, assignments and workouts without question.  Another early statement from LE was that they’d be teaching us healthy habits so that we could live life after the program and be able to think for our selves and sort through the overwhelming information on nutrition.  I am fully confidant that goal was achieved, I have no worries about conducting my nutritional life from here on out.  That may be what I am most thankful for.”

Forum name – “sportymom02”
Age – 26
Starting weight – 189 lbs; Total inches – 229
Ending weight – 138 lbs; Total inches – 188

Her experience – “When I started the Lean Eating program, I was very lost.  Depressed, struggling with low energy, carrying around extra weight.  LE gave me the guidance to rise about the despair.  Going through it, I knew that LE would not only help me lose the weight but become a more positive person.  The lessons and assignments helped me rebuild my mental health and happiness.  And my coach was a constant source of light and positive energy.  Lean Eating changed my body and my life.”

Our Lean Eating $5,000 3rd place runners up

Forum name – “WRXIzumi”
Age – 42
Starting weight – 259 lbs; Waist size – 46 inches
Ending weight – 211; Waist size – 38 inches

His experience – “The highlights of the program, for me, are the habits based approach, the constant support from both the coach and my cohort, and that it delves deeply into the psychological and social aspects of why I ate the way I did.  And the results?  They’re so much more than losing weight.  I hoped for weight loss, along with being a little stronger and a little more active.  What I got was better health and more enjoyment of life.  I no longer have heartburn. I have far fewer migraines.  And my blood pressure dropped from 140/90 to about 117/72.

Coaching really is a hallmark of LE.  I often tell people that LE taught me how to eat, it didn’t tell me what to eat. This is a huge distinction since the former gives results for the long term and the latter only until I am not being told any more. I also tell people that LE is not difficult; it requires hard work and dedication, for sure, but every part of it is doable by anyone.  I love Precision Nutrition and Lean Eating.  I mean, I could talk about my great experience with the program all day!  There is just so much fantastic about it.”

Forum name – “keyalus”
Age – 34
Starting weight – 173 lbs; Total inches – 222
Ending weight – 138 lbs; Total inches – 202

Her experience – “Wow!  I never thought I would win anything!  Thanks so much for this program.  I can’t tell you how much I’ve changed and continue to change because of the things I learned.  I am so grateful I randomly stumbled upon the PN site and I decided to follow up on it when it mattered the most…

There’s that saying; ‘Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a week. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll eat for a lifetime’. Lean Eating taught me how to fish.  It is easy to tell someone to eat XX calories a day or hand someone pre-packaged food to eat.  But how long does that last?  How long can that kind of program be sustained?  Lean Eating doesn’t do that. The program teaches you about nutrition and helps you to establish healthy habits.  With coaching you learn to develop a health consciousness that will serve you better, in the long run, than any “diet.”

Our LE honorable mention candidates

Forum name – johnr64″
Age – 46
Starting weight – 332 lbs; Waist size – 50 inches
Ending weight – 278 lbs; Waist size – 44 inches

His experience – “Outcome-based and science-minded…well structured…based on habits instead of diets…great coaching (Ryan’s approach was outstanding).  Lean Eating has been an incredible and life-changing experience for me.  In the past I’d been recognized for intellectual achievements.  But it never seemed possible that I might be recognized for any kind of physical achievement. So I’m incredibly psyched about being chosen as a finalist.  And, regardless of the prizes, the improvement to my life and my long-term health is more important than any prize I could win.”

Forum name – “kyel”
Age – 44
Starting weight – 177 lbs; Total inches – 228
Ending weight – 136 lbs; Total inches – 191

Her experience – “The Lean Eating program simply rocks!  For people new to the program, the pace might feel slow.   However, I can’t emphasize enough that people who sign up must to embrace the LE pace.  I was a control freak and struggled with that part.  But once I lost what I thought I ‘knew ‘and went with the flow of LE, great things started to happen.  With the lessons and coaching – I couldn’t have asked for a better coach than Coach Krista – I was allowed to hit speed bumps and then learn how to overcome them, growing along the way.”

Forum name – “harper”
Age – 41
Starting weight – 286 lbs; Waist size – 51 inches
Ending weight – 236; Waist size – 41 inches

Forum name – “Moreira”
Age – 39
Starting weight – 144 lbs; Total inches – 221
Ending weight – 124 lbs; Total inches – 205

Of course, honorable mention really belongs to all of our finalists, as well as everyone who successfully completed the Lean Eating program, moving in the direction of their goals.  We’re proud of you all!

Want help becoming the healthiest, fittest, strongest version of you?

Most people know that regular movement, eating well, sleep, and stress management are important for looking and feeling better. Yet they need help applying that knowledge in the context of their busy, sometimes stressful lives.

Over the past the past two decades, we’ve used the Precision Nutrition Coaching method to help over 150,000 clients lose fat, get stronger, and improve their physical and mental health… for the long-term… no matter what challenges they’re dealing with.

It’s also why we work with health, fitness, and wellness professionals (through our Level 1 and Level 2 Certification programs) to teach them how to coach their own clients through the same challenges.