Your 44% Friends and Family Discount has been applied!

Become one of the world’s top coaches—in PN’s elite mentorship. SAVE up to 44% with your Friends & Family discount.

Enroll now to:

  • Save up to 44% off the public price
  • Secure your spot before we sell out
  • BONUS: Grab your choice of a PN Specialist Program FREE ($697 value)
Spots are limited.

BONUS! Your enrollment in the PN Level 2 Master Health Coaching Certification includes our your choice of PN Specialist Program—FREE! ($697 value)

Based on behavioral economics, neuroscience theory, and our work with over 100,000 nutrition clients...

Our Change Psychology Advanced Certificate program gives you proven strategies and tools for helping your clients overcome the biggest hurdles holding them back from following through on healthy habits.

  • Facilitate change faster, leading to better client buy-in and retention
  • Know when, where, and how to use various communication techniques for maximum results
  • Expand your business by addressing non-nutritional issues and coaching for deep health
  • Get PN’s exclusive scripts from actual coach-client interactions to take the guesswork out of dealing with difficult conversations
  • Eligible to renew your PN Level 2 credential for two more years

This is the perfect complement to your Level 2 Master Health Coaching Certification. And by completing this program, you’ll automatically renew your PN Level 2 credential for two more years.

Once you finish, you’ll also get to add the Specialist in Change Psychology designation to your list of credentials.

This program is yours FREE when you enroll in PN Level 2—limited time only.

Spots are limited. Orientation begins April 24th.

“The best thing I ever did for my business. This program will truly distinguish you as a coach who gets lasting results.”

—Bree Taylor, Founder of Reality Bites Training, PN Certified Master Health Coach

With PN’s Level 2 Master Health Coaching Certification, you’ll discover a unified health and well-being approach that allows you to consider all the aspects of your client’s life.

Through real-world coaching scenarios, hands-on assignments, and mentoring sessions with PN’s industry-leading coaches, you’ll learn how to prioritize a client’s challenges, help them remove obstacles blocking their progress, and how to create unique, actionable coaching plans for every single client that focus on:


Stress management

Mental health

Emotional wellbeing




Go deeper than just physical change with your clients—and join the world’s top 1% of coaches.

Become a Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach

The PN Master Health Coaching Certification is an Approved Health and Wellness Coach Training & Education Program by the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC).

Earning the esteemed NBC-HWC credential and completing a rigorous training program bolsters your reputation as a qualified health and fitness professional—allowing you to stand out from the pack and coach with more confidence than ever before. (Full details below in the FAQ.)

And the most recent group of our graduates who sat for the board exam had a 100% pass rate, compared to 88% for the general test taking group.

“Becoming board certified really gives you confidence. It feels like an incredible accomplishment.”

– Andrea Johnson, NBC-HWC, PN Certified Master Health Coach

Where the world’s best coaches come to take the next step in their careers.

The program helped me feel confident creating an upper tier for my gym members, with a higher profit margin.

-Leann Hatler, PN Certified Master Health Coach

I skyrocketed my coaching skills and confidence…My impostor syndrome is gone. And I got a new job!

-Katya Mohsen, PN Certified Master Health Coach

You can have knowledge, degrees, certifications. But you’re not truly a coach until you go through this program. It was life changing.

-Shir Warr, PN Certified Master Health Coach

Now, I feel like my earning potential is a lot higher, because I’m more confident and capable.

-Kellen Dorsch, PN Certified Master Health Coach


This program does an absolutely phenomenal job of addressing how to affect behavior change…something that’s sorely missing in most people’s practices.

-Jeb Stuart Johnson, PN Certified Master Health Coach

Founder of Food On The Mind, PN Certified Master Health Coach

This program taught me how to be a better coach and retain clients longer. Before, I had clients staying for a month. Now, it’s six, nine months, even a year.

-Jeff Grogan, PN Certified Master Health Coach

Claim your 44% Friends and Family discount. Plus get our Change Psychology program—FREE. (Offer expires April 22nd.)

Spots are limited. Orientation begins April 24th.

What sets PN’s Master Health Coaching Certification apart from other programs


years in the marketplace


of graduates rated this program “the best course I’ve ever taken in my coaching career.”


combined years of coaching experience our instructors have


the client retention rate of Master Health Coaches v. Level 1 Coaches

“This was the greatest investment I ever made in my education. Now I can help the type of clients I want to help with 100% confidence.”

– Janet Omstead, Founder of Play for Life, PN Certified Master Health Coach

What is a Master Health Coach?

A Master Health Coach has developed the rare, indispensable skillset required to address every area of their clients’ health and well-being—including their mental and emotional health, physical fitness, nutrition, stress management, sleep, and more. 

Yes, this may often still mean helping someone get six-pack abs or boost their bench press. But it also means going deeper than these physical results, and helping people…

  • Reach whatever health and fitness goals they have—from getting their cravings under control, to feeling better, dropping fat, gaining strength, and anything in between
  • Find healthy ways to cope other than eating when they feel sad or anxious
  • Build unshakeable confidence in their body—and explore all the amazing things it can do
  • Bolster their immunity so they can more effectively ward off infections
  • Build resilience so they can better handle a stressful day, week, or month
  • Improve the quality of their sleep and rest—so they can feel and function their best

Bottom line: As a Certified Master Health Coach, you’ll have the skills you need to deliver truly comprehensive health coaching, so your clients can achieve all of this, and more. 

When you become a Certified Master Health Coach through PN, you’ll be able to:

Position your business to succeed—both now, and in the future.  

You’ll impact your clients’ lives in bigger ways, and they’ll stick around longer—jumping at the chance to tell their friends how awesome you are. Which will give you a rock-solid business that lasts for years to come. 

Achieve financial freedom, and enjoy work/life flexibility.

Whether you decide to be a health coach full-time, or you want to expand on what you already offer as a personal trainer, nutrition coach, or related professional, health coaching is a great way to help more people. Which means you’ll make more money. Oh, and you’ll also be able to create your own schedule…while working from anywhere in the world.

Become an authority in the health and well-being space—with confidence. 

As you learn from PN’s industry-leading coaches and network with some of the sharpest minds in the industry, you’ll build the confidence to share your expertise with anyone, anytime. 

Do fulfilling work that brings you a deep sense of joy. 

Yes, this matters. And when you’re able to help people break through barriers that have held them back their entire lives and finally transform their physical, mental, and emotional health… It delivers a level of career satisfaction that’s unmatched. 

PN is one of the most respected health coach certification bodies out there. I feel proud to say I’m a PN certified, board certified, health coach.

-Celia Tang, PN Certified Master Health Coach


There are very few board certified health and wellness coaches out there. This certification gives me credibility, and sets me apart.

-Stephen Box, PN Certified Master Health Coach


Such attention, such responsiveness…you feel like you have one on one connection with the instructors.

-Linda Schertzer, PN Certified Master Health Coach

Founder of Age Intelligence

This is a program that dives into most critical ingredients at the heart of the health, wellness, and fitness professions.

-Bryan Yates, PN Certified Master Health Coach

Executive Performance Coach, Locomotive Coaching

I would recommend this 10 out of 10. There's such a huge need for what we do. And PN’s program is the cream of the crop.

-Reggie Gentry, PN Certified Master Health Coach

You cannot be a health or fitness coach without having the tools and techniques that this program brings. It’s a whole different level.

-Lisa Bernier, PN Certified Master Health Coach

Claim your 44% Friends and Family discount. Plus get our Change Psychology program—FREE. (Offer expires April 22nd.)

Spots are limited. Orientation begins April 24th.

Who You Learn from Matters

PN’s Master Health Coaching Certification was created by and for the sharpest minds in the coaching industry.

John Berardi PhD, CSCS, Co-Founder of Precision Nutrition

John Berardi


Dr. Berardi (a.k.a. "JB") is a co-founder of Precision Nutrition. He’s an advisor to Apple, Equinox, Nike, and Titleist, and was recently selected as one of the 20 smartest coaches in the world by

Krista Scott-Dixon


With nearly 20 years of experience in adult education and curriculum design, Krista is the intellectual powerhouse behind PN's coaching program development. She's the author of several books, dozens of academic publications, and hundreds of articles on fitness, nutrition, and psychology.

Toni Bauer


Toni holds a BA in International Business and multiple certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine and Precision Nutrition. A former fitness business owner, PN client, and seasoned coach, Toni brings 10+ years of relevant experience to help Master Health Coach students reach the top of their coaching game.

Jason Bonn


Jason holds certifications from the National Strength and Conditioning Association along with a BS in Physical Education and a Master's in Coaching. He has 7 years of teaching experience, on top of his 9 years as a coach at PN.

Dominic Matteo


Dominic has an impressive host of certifications and credentials to his name, including over a decade in nationally competitive men’s rugby, and a diverse skillset in fitness and nutrition. A product of the process of having lost over 100 lbs, Dominic serves as a prime example of a coach who made a career change to health and fitness from a non-related field.

The PN Master Health Coaching Certification also qualifies for continuing education credits with organizations worldwide, including the following:

Claim your 44% Friends and Family discount. Plus get our Change Psychology program—FREE. (Offer expires April 22nd.)

Spots are limited. Orientation begins April 24th.

“This program doesn't just change the way you coach, it changes the way you live. Now, I am so much better at helping people change and live their life in health.”

– Tina Fritsch, Founder of Fit By Design, PN Certified Master Health Coach

What you can expect in the Master Health Coaching Certification

PN’s industry-leading coaches will mentor you for 20 weeks alongside hundreds of your peers. This one-of-a-kind think tank will take your coaching—and your business—to a whole new level.

Orientation begins April 24th.image*These activities may fall on different days of the week, depending on which live sessions and/or office hours you sign up for, and/or when you schedule your study time.

It all starts with you.

The Master Health Coaching Certification begins with where you are and where you want to go. You’ll tell us about your business, coaching style, and what you’re looking to accomplish.


Access our digital coaching platform from anywhere in the world. 

Everything is delivered online, so you can access it from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

Practice your skills in live sessions.

You’ll spend 2 hours a week practicing your new skills in the live online learning sessions—so that you’ll feel confident in your ability to apply your new knowledge. *(Days and times are in the FAQs at the bottom of the page.)

Mentorship from PN’s industry-leading coaches. 

Whether they’re reviewing your progress and giving feedback, answering your questions, or making recommendations on how you can improve, these mentors have one goal: To help you become the best coach you can possibly be. 

Ongoing practice. 

Each week you’ll receive a weekly coaching focus or habit, that you can take action on or practice with your clients. Each small, strategic step builds on top of another and eventually leads to a complete transformation of your coaching practice.


Live online coaching workshops. 

You’ll join your fellow students to learn, grow, and practice together during live weekly workshops led by one of PN’s in-house expert coaches. You’ll get feedback from a veteran coach who has in-the-trenches experience working with every kind of client. 

Weekly video lectures.

Each video lecture drives home deep-level coaching strategies you can use immediately with your clients or patients. From motivational interviewing to working with difficult clients, you’ll get behind-the-scenes access to how the world’s top coaches operate.

Work through real coaching challenges and apply what you’ve learned. 

Throughout the program, you will be presented with realistic “case studies.” By practicing your coaching skills in a supportive environment and receiving expert feedback every step of the way, you’ll have confidence to put it all into action with real clients.

Connect with the sharpest minds from gyms and companies around the world—and build your network.

You’ll get instant access to a private online group where you’ll surround yourself with some of the most talented coaches around the world for half a year. You can ask questions, network, learn, compare notes, and get support. (Note: Precision Nutrition routinely hires new coaches from this pool of elite students.)  

Enroll now

Spots are limited. Orientation begins April 24th.

What you’ll learn

In the Master Health Coaching Certification, you’ll learn everything you need to join the top 1% of coaches in the world, be able to deliver life-changing results for anyone who comes to you for help, and build a rock-solid business that lasts for years to come.

Leverage behavior-change psychology to help any client, at any time, achieve sustainable change

Integrate proven methods used by the world’s top health and well-being coaches into your coaching practice, so you can feel more confident than ever before

Use PN’s world-renowned Deep Health Coaching Framework to deliver integrative health coaching to anyone who comes to you for help

Keep people motivated and on track, inspired, and feeling good—even when the going gets tough

Communicate effectively, so that you’re always understood, respected, and able to instantly forge stronger relationships

To see the full course schedule and syllabus, download the free Enrollment Packet here.

“I now have more knowledge, more confidence and more skill. My clients stay longer and experience better results.”

– Jonny Landels, Founder of Next Step Nutrition, PN Certified Master Health Coach


We only take a small number of new students and teach them our proven health coaching system. Spots are first-come, first-served, so don’t miss out on this chance to join before anyone else (our last two cohorts sold out in record time).

The general public price of the Master Health Coaching Certification is $4,788 USD, or $399 USD per month for 12 months.

But when you join using your exclusive Friends & Family discount today, you’ll save up to 44%, lock in your spot before we sell out, and get our popular Change Psychology program (worth $697) FREE. (Ends April 22nd.)

Orientation begins April 24th.

Friends & Family Discount
Ends April 22nd, 2024

✅ Savings: up to 44% off — our BIGGEST discount

✅ Guarantee your spot in the Spring Cohort

FREE BONUS: Change Psychology program ($697 value)

✅ 100% risk-free guarantee

$2699 USD
Single payment $4788 USD
or $249 USD x 12 monthly payments
General Enrollment

❌ No savings (full price)

❌ Limited spots will remain

❌ Bonus NOT included

✅ 100% risk-free guarantee

$4788 USD
Single payment
or $399 USD x 12 monthly payments
Spots are limited. Orientation begins April 24th.

Our guarantee

You’ll have the best coaching experience of your life—or your money back.

Here’s our promise:

We’ll mentor you for 20 weeks. If you commit to the program, commit to becoming a better coach, finish all 20 weeks of coaching, and do at least 75% of the program, and, at the end, don’t think it was the best coaching experience of your life, we’ll give you a full refund.

No questions asked. Because we’re that confident in what we do and we stand by our work.

Additionally, you have up to 30 days from the start date of the program to get a refund if you feel the program isn’t right for you.

Hear from PN Master Health Coaching alumni

Our alumni include world-class health and well-being professionals who work in a wide variety of disciplines throughout the health and well-being industry. Here’s what a few of them have to say about the program:

Precision Nutrition is the leader in the nutrition and wellness industry. To become the best, you have to learn from the best.

-Evan Kehler, PN Certified Master Health Coach

The quality of the educational materials, but more importantly, the quality of coaches (and peers) is unsurpassed in the industry.

-Juli Madacey, PN Certified Master Health Coach

Nutrition & Wellness Coach, Evexia Health & Wellness

Signing up for this program was one of the best decisions I ever made. I apply new strategies to my coaching daily and have seen the positive shift in how I communicate with clients and how they react.

-Melissa Boufounos, PN Level 2 student

All of my relationships have improved. And my clients are happier because I’m kinder and more empathetic.

-Vicki Taylor, PN Certified Master Health Coach

Owner of Break Wave Coaching

This program helped me gain confidence…and my client outcomes have improved because I believe in myself more.

-Amanda Rickard, PN Certified Master Health Coach

Gym Owner

The coaching structure I learned in this program gave me more confidence and professionalism. And I’ve been coaching for many years.

-Jen Gerasimas, PN Certified Master Health Coach

Owner at 7 Core Wellness

Claim your 44% Friends and Family discount. Plus get our Change Psychology program—FREE. (Offer expires April 22nd.)

Spots are limited. Orientation begins April 24th.

Contact us

Interested in the PN Master Health Coaching Certification? Have questions? Contact us. We’re here to help.

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+1 (833) 965-2666

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Frequently Asked Questions

Become a Certified Master Health Coach

Our elite mentorship program will help you master the skills you need to feel 100% confident in any coaching scenario, impact the lives of your clients on a deeper level than ever before, and build a rock-solid business that lasts for years to come.

Spots are limited. Orientation begins April 24th.