Questions? Our certification advisors are ready to help! Call us at +1 (877) 660-6464

Level 1 Nutrition Certification


Register today, save up to 30%, and get exclusive bonuses. (Monthly payment option available.)

Don’t wait until March to get started! Boost your nutrition coaching skills to help your clients (or yourself) when it matters most. Or start a new career or side business you’re passionate about.

Plus get free bonuses to help you attract clients, generate a steady stream of referrals, and impact more lives.

  • Master the latest in the science of nutrition
  • Feel confident and qualified to coach anyone
  • NEW! Earn college and continuing education credits
  • Save up to 30% when you register today
Spots are first-come, first-served.

Precision Nutrition has worked with:

Logo of the San Antonio Spurs, a Precision Nutrition Customer Logo of the Toronto Maple Leafs, a Precision Nutrition Customer Logo of the Seattle Seahawks, a Precision Nutrition Customer Logo of the Houston Rockets, a Precision Nutrition Customer Logo of the Carolina Panthers, a Precision Nutrition Customer

Here's what you'll get when you register today:

1. The PN Level 1 Nutrition Certification—at up to $429 USD off the regular price

In the world’s #1 rated nutrition certification program, you’ll learn both the nutrition science and the behavior-change coaching skills you need to feel confident, qualified, and ready to coach nutrition with anyone—in-person or online, part-time or full-time.

2. Brand-New! “Social Media & Newsletter Success Secrets”

Packed with over 70 social media posts, nutrition infographics, blog articles, and email newsletters (all ready to share as your own). Plus step-by-step methods for creating your own compelling content, and a video masterclass to help you overcome your fear of “putting yourself out there” as a coach… All so you can proudly and confidently tell the world what you do, and connect with people who need your help.

3. “How to Attract Coaching Clients” course (PN’s Kickstarter program which sells for $499—yours FREE)

Learn how to position your coaching business for success, convert interested prospects into paying clients, charge a premium price, and deliver a coaching experience that people will gladly tell others about.



Spots are first-come, first-served.

Why Choose the PN Level 1 Nutrition Coaching Certification?

In today's world, nutrition is more important than ever. Learn how it impacts every area of your and your clients’ health. And gain the rare ability to turn what you know into lasting results for yourself and others.

Master the art of behavior-change coaching. Our proven method has been validated in 3 peer-reviewed scientific studies.

Help people improve their physical and mental health. Get results that attract more clients.

Study from home, at your own pace. No deadlines. Works with even the busiest schedule.

Coach online or in-person, full-time or part-time. Build a career or business that puts you in control.


Make a great living doing what you love. On average, PN graduates charge $65 – $130 USD per hour.


Join a thriving coaching network. Study alongside thousands of fellow students and top experts to get answers and support.

Earn college and continuing education credits. PN is recognized by select US colleges, and is endorsed by NASM, ACSM, ACE, CrossFit, CIMPSA, and EREPS.

NEW! Get a guaranteed job interview. For those who qualify, interviews are available with select health and fitness companies (USA only).

Flexible payment options starting at $99 USD/mo for 12 months! ' +

Backed by Precision Nutrition's 45-day 100% money-back guarantee. Learn More

Gain a coaching skill set that’s always in high demand—so you can thrive no matter what happens in this industry or the economy.

Amid all the changes and uncertainty the world has faced recently, here are three things that have remained consistently true: 

  1. When it comes to helping people improve their physical and mental health, the research is clear that nutrition is key.
  2. There will always be plenty of people willing to pay well for a caring, competent nutrition coach who understands them and can help them make real progress toward their goals.
  3. When you build the coaching skills that make the biggest difference for people, you put yourself in the best possible position to succeed, both now and in the future.

This is why we created the PN Level 1 Nutrition Coaching Certification—so you can build a sustainable, successful career or side business that puts you in control, while making a lasting difference in people’s lives.

Whether you already work in health and fitness, or you’re brand-new to the idea of coaching…

We’ll give you all the nutrition knowledge you need to confidently give advice to anyone, without ever second-guessing whether the info is legitimate.

And you’ll gain the behavior-change coaching skills you need to help people:

✓ Improve their physical and mental health

✓ Reach their fitness goals faster

✓ Boost their immunity and energy levels

✓ Sleep better and become more resilient to stress

When you help people get the results they deserve, everything else becomes easier…

From attracting and retaining clients, to generating plenty of referrals, and growing a rock-solid coaching business or career that impacts lives for years to come.

Male nutrition coach smiling with hands on hips.

A deep understanding of nutrition, the authority to coach it, and the ability to turn what you know into results.

The PN Nutrition Certification will teach you all that, including the methodology we’ve tested, refined, and proven with over 150,000 coaching clients.

Get the most cutting-edge nutrition science, and the latest in behavior-change psychology, so you can help people when it matters most.

Since we first launched the PN Nutrition Certification, we’ve been recognized as the world’s definitive source on the science of nutrition and the art of behavior-change coaching.

Yet we’re never satisfied with yesterday’s success. Now in its 4th edition, the program is more comprehensive and practical than ever.

Inside the PN Nutrition Certification, you’ll…

  • Learn the most relevant, cutting-edge nutrition science—from macros, calories, and micronutrients, to digestion, metabolism, energy balance, and more.
  • Understand how nutrition affects people’s fitness, stress levels, sleep, mental and emotional health—and vice versa.
  • Master the art of behavior-change coaching—so you can help anyone achieve sustainable results. (This separates you from the vast number of coaches out there.)
  • Learn how to help your clients bridge the gap between knowing and doing, so they can make progress like never before.
  • Connect with PN’s top experts and your coaching peers around the world. Ask questions, get advice, join optional study groups, troubleshoot coaching scenarios, and level-up your career.
PN L1 nutrition certification books and curriculum 4th Edition
PN L1 nutrition certification books and curriculum 4th Edition

Now in its Fourth Edition, the
PN Nutrition Certification
is more comprehensive
and practical than ever.

The experts that other
experts come to for help.

Developed and written by John Berardi, PhD, CSCS, Krista Scott-Dixon, PhD, Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD, Helen Kollias, PhD, CSCS, and Camille DePutter, the PN Nutrition Certification is the synthesis of everything we’ve learned over 15 years of coaching and research in nutrition.

John Berardi PhD, CSCS, Co-Founder

Dr. Berardi (a.k.a. “JB”) is a co-founder of Precision Nutrition, which has become the world’s largest online nutrition coaching and certification company. He’s an advisor to Apple, Equinox, Nike, and Titleist, and was recently selected as one of the 20 smartest coaches in the world.

“I’ve devoted my entire career to making health and fitness something that’s achievable and attainable for every type of person, from every walk of life.”

John Berardi PhD, CSCS, Co-Founder of Precision Nutrition

Precision Nutrition advises organizations around the world, coaches elite athletes & sports teams, and has been featured in leading publications. There’s a reason over 2 million people come to our website for advice every single month.

Titlest logo, a Precision Nutrition Customer New York Times logo, a publication Precision Nutrition has been featured in Logo of the Texas Longhorns, a Precision Nutrition Customer Logo of the Cleveland Browns, a Precision Nutriton Customer Logo of the Brooklyn Nets, a Precision Nutrition Customer Time Magazine logo, a publication Precision Nutrition has been featured in Logo of Livestrong, a Precision Nutrition Customer
Logo of Nike, a Precision Nutrition Customer

“John Berardi is one of the top sports nutrition experts in the world. He concentrates on simple solutions that actually work. That's why he's a key part of our high-performance team.”

Logo of Team Canada, a Precision Nutrition Customer

“I was really looking to dial in and optimize my nutrition for performance and recovery. Precision Nutrition was a terrific resource to help me reach my goals.”

Logo of Altis, a Precision Nutrition Customer

“I have known JB for almost two decades. He has been – and continues to be – my ‘go-to guy’ for all things nutrition and change psychology; he has what all great teachers have: an ability to take complicated constructs, and communicate them in a way that makes sense to simple people like me.”

Altis World

“Thanks, John, for making me bigger and stronger. You are the best thing that I've added to my training regimen."


What's included in the PN Nutrition Certification:

PN L1 nutrition certification books and curriculum

3 textbooks—in a beautiful box set—with the latest research in nutrition and behavior-change psychology.

The PN Nutrition Certification comes in three unit textbooks, beautifully packaged in a box set for easy reference. Unit 1 teaches you the unique and proven Precision Nutrition approach to coaching. Unit 2 teaches you the science of nutrition in an easy-to-understand format. And Unit 3 gives you a step-by-step process to apply everything you’ve learned, from coaching to business strategies, so you can get immediate results. Plus, it’s easy to carry from your house, to the car, to the gym—so you can study anywhere!


Thumbnail image of chapter 1 content
Thumbnail image of chapter 4 content
Thumbnail image of chapter 6 content
Thumbnail image of chapter 17 content

Animated videos, one for each textbook chapter, to boost your understanding and your retention.

Each video seminar corresponds with each textbook chapter. They’ll help you better learn the material… and better retain what you learned. Watch (and re-watch) whenever you like.

Check out 4 sample lectures by clicking any of the videos.

Example Precision Nutrition Level 1 assessment forms

Over 40 assessment forms and questionnaires to help you better understand your clients’ needs, and unlock their potential.

Once you register, you’ll get immediate access to our premium nutrition coaching tools and forms, so you can get better results with your clients from Day 1.


Brand-New! “Social Media & Newsletter Success Secrets”

Get over 70 done-for-you social media posts, infographics, blog articles, nutrition study snippets, and email newsletters—crafted by PN’s experts and ready for you to share as your own.

Plus step-by-step methods for creating your own compelling content, and a video masterclass to help you overcome your fear of “putting yourself out there” as a coach… All so you can proudly and confidently tell the world what you do, and connect with people who need your help.

FREE “How to Attract Coaching Clients” course (PN’s Kickstarter program which sells for $499)

In this self-paced digital course, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to start or grow your business—from identifying and attracting your ideal client, to structuring your business, pricing and marketing your services, and more. Each skill you’ll learn builds on the previous one, providing a system you can use to propel your business forward each day.

Illustration of a nutriton calculator surrourded by healthy foods

Precision Nutrition Calculator, Professional Edition

Built specifically for our students, this is the most comprehensive calorie, portion, and macro calculator available anywhere. Simply enter your client’s details, goals, and eating preferences—and this tool will produce a beautiful, personalized eating guide within minutes. This pro version is full of advanced features and customization options—giving you the ability to coach at the highest level.

Online community of coaches and top experts

Online community of like-minded coaches and top experts.

You’ll learn alongside an extremely supportive group of health enthusiasts from around the world—including top strength coaches and personal trainers, world-class yoga instructors, doctors from a variety of disciplines, and more.

Connect daily with experienced coaches, fellow students, and even textbook authors. Ask questions, join optional study groups, troubleshoot specific coaching scenarios, and get advice whenever you need it.

How the program works.

Once you register, you can start right away with our online study strategy guide–and you’ll get your certification materials shipped to you, free of charge, anywhere in the world.

Example of Precision Nutriton Level 1 questionnaire shown on iPad

Get access to more than 40 coaching tools we use with our own clients.

Once you receive your course textbooks and materials, you’ll find all the forms, questionnaires, and assessment tools we use at PN. They’re yours to use with your clients.

Example of Precision Nutrition Level 1 online lessons shown on desktop, mobile, and iPad

Our mobile and desktop coaching platform works in conjunction with your textbooks.

Here’s what your home page will look like, complete with lessons, videos, and exams for each chapter. Notice that you can access everything from whichever device you prefer.

Example of Precision Nutrition Level 1 chapters on mobile phone

Stay accountable and on-track with our simple 3-step process for each chapter:

Step 1: Watch the chapter video, read the chapter text, and answer the study guide questions.

Step 2: Practice and play with what you’ve learned with real-world case studies, taken from our original client data.

Step 3: Take the short end-of-chapter exam at your convenience.

L1 Nutrition Coach Certificate

Become PN1 certified.

By the end of the course, you’ll have taken 20 short, 10-question exams, for a total of 200 questions. Get at least 150 of the questions correct (75%) to earn your PN1 credentials. We’ll send your official certificate immediately after you pass.

Most of our students pass on the first try. But just in case you don’t, you’ll still have 5 more tries at the exam. And of course, we’re here to help you along the way if you need it.

Screenshot of Precision Nutriton Certified Coach directory on a laptop

Get your business listed on the PN website.

Once you’re certified, you can provide your business and contact information to be listed on our site. That way local people interested in PN-approved help can easily find you.

The PN Nutrition Certification qualifies for continuing education credits with the following organizations worldwide, including the following:

ACE Fitness logo, a nutrition continuing education partner ACSM logo, a nutrition continuing education partner NASM logo, a nutrition continuing education partner Ptaglobal logo, a nutrition continuing education partner Ptaglobal logo, a nutrition continuing education partner NBHWC logo, a nutrition continuing education partner CIMSPA logo, a nutrition continuing education partner ISSA logo, a nutrition continuing education partner EREPS logo, a nutrition continuing education partner

You may also count your PN Certification towards credit at select colleges and universities in the US. (See the FAQ at the bottom of this page for more details.)

American Council on Education logo

PN Level 1 graduates in the US and Canada may be eligible to apply for professional liability insurance through Healthcare Providers Service Organization (HPSO).

HPSO logo

Is getting a nutrition certification worth it?

The PN Nutrition Certification is trusted
by elite health and fitness professionals worldwide.

Thumbnail image of Eric Cressey Precision Nutrition grad testimonial

The PN Nutrition Certification allows you to immediately affect positive changes in the lives of your clients. One of the things I absolutely love is the focus on the big things first — the behavioral modifications, and the quick fixes that can yield dramatically improved results.

Eric Cressey, MA, CSCS
Thumbnail image of Jonathan Goodman Precision Nutrition grad testimonial

What really makes a great coach, and what I think works so well in the PN Nutrition Certification — it’s not about telling someone to do something. It’s about knowing what questions to ask, and then leading the person in the right direction.

Jonathan Goodman, founder of the Personal Trainer Development Center
Thumbnail image of Marie-Josee Perrier Precision Nutrition grad testimonial

The PN Nutrition Certification gives you the skills and tools that you need to actually go out and do it. So it’s not just academic information. It gives you everything you need to be a successful coach.

Marie-Josee Perrier, PhD
Thumbnail image of Adam Lloyd Precision Nutrition grad testimonial

As I was going through the course I realized it was perfect; it’s exactly what I wanted and needed to learn. The information it taught me vs. the 4th year nutrition course I took as a Kinesiology student... it was like comparing apples to oranges. The nutrition course was good. But the PN Nutrition Certification was that much better.

Adam Lloyd, CSCS

The PN Certification is everything we’ve learned—brought together, and shared with you.

Thumbnail image for cilent recognition video

Every year we recognize clients who do the best in our coaching program. Here are a few winners, their results, and what you can expect by applying The PN Method.

Precision Nutrition is the only nutrition certification company in the world that successfully coaches real clients every single day.

What does that mean? The PN Nutrition Certification is NOT full of abstract theory that doesn’t work in the real world.

Instead, it’s deep knowledge that’s client-tested, scientifically proven, and constantly updated based on the data we’ve collected working with over 150,000 clients.

Clients like these…

Our Guarantee

Lots of companies guarantee their products. We guarantee our services, too.

Our students make a commitment to learn from us—and we make a commitment to help them become better coaches. Then our students decide for themselves: Was it worth it? If yes, they earn their PN1 credentials and head out to change people’s lives. If no, we give them a full refund.

That’s our promise. Try the PN Nutrition Certification for 45 days. If you’re not happy with what you learn, return your textbooks before you certify and we’ll give you every penny back. We’re confident in what we do and we stand by our work.


Don’t wait until March to get started! If you want to level up your nutrition skills and learn how to get life-changing results, you can join the PN Nutrition Certification now.

Instead of waiting until the next presale opens in March, you can register now and start making progress today.

Plus you’ll get:

  • Our comprehensive course on How to Attract Coaching Clients (regularly sells for $499)
  • “Social Media & Newsletter Success Secrets”—packed with done-for-you content and step-by-step methods for promoting your coaching services

Instead of waiting until the next presale opens, you can register now and start making progress today.

You’ll pay only $99 USD per month for 12 months, or a one-time payment of $999 USD—up to 30% savings off the general price of $1,428 USD.

Spots are first-come, first-served. And once this offer closes, the bonuses disappear.


Monthly payment
(Easier to budget)
$ 99 USD/mo
Save $240 USD off our general price of
$1,428 ($119 for 12 months).
Backed by our 45-day money-back guarantee.
Free shipping worldwide.
Single payment
(Greater savings)
$ 999 USD
Save $429 USD off our
general price of $1,428.
Backed by our 45-day money-back guarantee.
Free shipping worldwide.
Monthly payment
(Easier to budget)
$ 99 USD/mo
Save $240 USD off our general price of
$1,428 ($119 for 12 months).
Backed by our 45-day money-back guarantee.
Free shipping worldwide.
Single payment
(Greater savings)
$ 999 USD
Save $429 USD off our
general price of $1,428.
Backed by our 45-day money-back guarantee.
Free shipping worldwide.

To give you a sense of what you get for the price, here’s a quick comparison:

$40,000 – $100,000 USD
$999 USD
PN Nutrition Certification
4 years of undergrad, plus
4 years of part-time grad school.
Study at your own pace—program is entirely self-paced, so there’s no deadline. You can take as much time or as little time as you like.
Additional costs for textbooks, housing, student fees, etc. All course materials included, free shipping. Get all your certification materials shipped directly to your door, at no cost, no matter where you live.
Learning in an academic format that might not work for you. Learning as easy as reading your textbook and watching a video, with short end-of-chapter quizzes to test your knowledge.
Often has to be done on site. Delivered entirely online—study whenever you want, wherever you are. Take the online exams when you’re ready.
Might not be able to apply most of the material to your coaching practice. All material can be immediately applied to your coaching.

Continuing the University comparison, if you decided to go back to school for a nutrition degree or to become a registered dietitian, you’d likely spend anywhere from $10,000 – $20,000 USD per year. If you did a four-year degree, you’d be looking at spending upward of $40,000 – $100,000 USD.

The only problem? Most university courses lack real-world coaching opportunities. And most professors aren’t experienced coaches. That’s why many students find that they’re stuck once they graduate.

It’s also why, in the PN Nutrition Certification, we’ll share a proven coaching system that’s guaranteed to get results for anyone who comes to you for help.

After coaching over 150,000 clients, we know what works. We’ve created a bulletproof system. And now it’s ready for you to use with your clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Final note

Nutrition is key when it comes to helping someone achieve their health and fitness goals—whether they want to lose fat, tone up, gain strength, feel less stressed, get better sleep, improve their mental health, or anything else.

But successful coaches realize that understanding nutrition science isn’t enough. You must also be able to effectively help others change their eating and lifestyle behaviors.

That’s what we do every day (no other nutrition certification company does this). And we’re ready to teach you the same science-based coaching method we’ve used with major health organizations, professional sports teams, Olympic athletes, and over 150,000 clients worldwide.

Of course, if now isn’t your time, we understand. We hope this helped you understand who we are and what we do. We’ll be here if and when you need us.

But if now is the time for you to build your own nutrition knowledge—or learn how to help others with their health and fitness—then the PN Nutrition Certification is everything you need to help people get sustainable results while you build a remarkable career or fulfilling side gig.

We’re excited to teach you everything we know about the science of nutrition and the art of behavior-change coaching.

But the next step is yours.

Hope to see you in the program,

– The PN Team

A deeper understanding of nutrition, the authority to coach it, the ability to turn what you know into results.

Register Now!

Spots are first-come, first-served.

What's PN?The ExpertsHow It WorksGraduatesGuaranteePricing/PlansContact UsFAQRegister Now!