Precision Nutrition clients usually start out hoping for a better body. They walk away with much more, including surprising mental shifts that lead to happier, richer lives. Today we feature 14 of their Postcards From The Future, showcasing what can happen with the right kind of support.
Most of the folks who sign up for Precision Nutrition Coaching are after a strong, healthy, nice-looking body that makes them proud and keeps them feeling good for decades.
After 12 months — and, believe me, a lot of hard work — that’s what most achieve. (For more on their physical changes, check out our Men’s and Women’s Hall of Fame).
However, despite all the amazing before and after photos, despite the fantastic weight loss, despite the gains in strength, there’s one thing that really makes them light up.
They’ve become capable, confident, and free.
That’s worth thinking about.
You see, Precision Nutrition Coaching is both research-driven and personal. This means we use the latest scientific findings to help coach people through the unique challenges in their own lives; whether physical or emotional ones.
It’s part physiology. Part psychology. Part science. Part art.
And it typically leads to fantastic physical changes: Our clients lose weight, gain strength, go off meds, shed scary medical diagnoses, and more.
For most clients, these changes are only the tip of the iceberg. Because their improved bodies have now become vehicles for accomplishing inspiring things.
Indeed, they’ve become ready, willing, and able to tackle challenges they were previously afraid of, even incapable of.
About the Postcards From The Future exercise.
We often ask clients to envision where they’ll be in the future. What their new bodies will look like. What they’ll feel like. What they’ll be able to do.
But we take it one step further. We ask them to write ‘Destination Postcards’: Personal notes from their future selves to their current selves to inspire, motivate, and encourage.
Kinda like:
“Hey John, the weather’s great here. You won’t believe it but Dr. Smith, for the first time in years, gave us a clean bill of health. Plus, get this, we just ran a 5K. Can you imagine?!?”
Then, at the end of the program, we ask clients to make it real. To share photos and stories of what they are now able to accomplish after working with us.
The submissions are always incredible. And today I’m going to share a few.
These clients started out obese, or overweight, or injured, or bogged down, or unconfident, or feeling incapable, or imprisoned by all of the above.
Now, they’re climbing mountains, cycling on top of the world, and vaulting railings that stopped them before. Most importantly, they’re full of hope and looking forward to the adventurous, active years still ahead of them.
(Be sure to check out both the front and back, which describes the accomplishment, by tapping on each postcard.)

Want help becoming the healthiest, fittest, strongest version of you?
Most people know that regular movement, eating well, sleep, and stress management are important for looking and feeling better. Yet they need help applying that knowledge in the context of their busy, sometimes stressful lives.
Over the past the past two decades, we’ve used the Precision Nutrition Coaching method to help over 150,000 clients lose fat, get stronger, and improve their physical and mental health… for the long-term… no matter what challenges they’re dealing with.
It’s also why we work with health, fitness, and wellness professionals (through our Level 1 and Level 2 Certification programs) to teach them how to coach their own clients through the same challenges.