Every year, through our Precision Nutrition Coaching program, we help thousands of men and women lose weight, gain strength, and completely transform their bodies, health, and fitness. We also give them a bonus to shoot for: fun and inspiring prizes. Read on to learn why we offer this extra incentive… and how you could become one of our winners.
At Precision Nutrition, we recognize the men and women who experience the biggest transformations in our program each year.
In the past, we’ve given away cash prizes (up to $25,000!). And this year, we’ll continue providing something fun and inspiring for our clients to shoot for.
Why do we do this? Consider it an antidote of sorts.
Typical fitness industry messages can make you feel guilty, judged, paranoid, or demoralized. We’d prefer you start your coaching experience much more happily.
So, in addition to getting personal attention and mentorship from the world’s best coaching team, you also get to shoot for something extra awesome.
Check out the results of some of our past clients—and the prizes they received.
Meet some of the people whose bodies — and lives — have been changed by Precision Nutrition Coaching.
If you watched the video above, you can’t help but be blown away by our Grand Prize winners. They’re all hardworking people who overcame some very familiar challenges and achieved incredible transformations.
For a full catalog of our most amazing transformations to date, check out our latest finalists (men, women) and our Hall of Fame (men, women)
Want to know more about Precision Nutrition Coaching, and how you can become a prize winner yourself?
Read on…
What is Precision Nutrition Coaching all about, anyway?
If you’re new to Precision Nutrition, here’s the deal: Twice a year we open our renowned coaching program to men and women all around the world.
Those who register get to work with our expert coaching team to bring the much-needed accountability and guidance it takes to stay consistent and make lasting changes.
Our coaches will help you make steady progress. They’ll review your results, answer questions, make adjustments and share recommendations. They’ll tap you on the shoulder if you start to regress. And they’ll help you get past every hurdle along the way.
With your coach’s support, you learn how to:
- Eat better, without dieting or feeling deprived.
- Get active, no matter what shape you’re in now.
- Ditch the food rules, dropping the fad diets and conflicting advice.
- Build fitness into your life, without it taking over.
- Achieve and maintain your goals, even when life gets busy.
The result? You’ll get into the best shape of your life. And you’ll develop the habits, skills, and tools to stay that way for good.
Over the past the past two decades, our unprecedented program has helped over 150,000 clients dramatically change the way they look, feel, and perform.
They end up fitter, stronger, and healthier than ever before.
Here are a few more examples:
See what happens with 365 days of Precision Nutrition Coaching.
Could you be the next winner?
Many of our most successful clients have tried a lot of “diets”, “workouts”, “pills”, and other things before coming to us. Heck, some are even “serial dieters” (i.e. they’ve tried everything there is to try).
Why are they so successful with us?
It’s because we do things a little differently here at Precision Nutrition.
These two “success secrets” set us apart.
Secret #1:
We help change your habits. One at a time.
Instead of giving you a diet or a set of meal plans (which we all know don’t work over the long term), we work with you to create a series of sustainable habits.
One strategic habit after another, you build up the physical and mental skills required to make better eating choices, move better, and develop a healthy relationship with food.
This won’t be an “on it” or “off it” thing. We do health and fitness in a way that fits your life. So once you have the skills, they’re yours forever. You can choose to apply them whenever you like, however you like.
Secret #2:
We’ve got your back.
You won’t be alone. You’ll have a committed group of coaches, mentors, and peers working with you, looking out for you, encouraging you along the way.
The whole “Lone Ranger” thing — you know, “I can figure this out myself” — rarely works. Sure, it can work. But that’s unusual.
Even if you do manage to go it alone, it takes too long and you end up making so many unnecessary mistakes along the way.
On the other hand, caring, patient, empathetic coaching from world-class experts can make things easier than you ever thought possible.
Plus, your results tend to skyrocket when you pursue a goal along with a group of peers. You figure things out faster, make fewer mistakes, and are pushed to succeed by those around you.
It’s a formula for success, especially in fitness and nutrition.
And that’s what Precision Nutrition Coaching offers you.
Want to know more about how all this works? Check out what Jodie had to say:
Meet Jodie, one of our $25,000 winners.
But why give away prizes?
With all that terrific support and structure, you might wonder why we bother offering prizes and incentives.
A little while ago, I presented a seminar to a group of personal trainers enrolled in our Precision Nutrition Certification course. (They all work for one of the world’s most successful gym chains.)
In my talk, I shared 12 research-proven factors they must understand to help their clients get amazing results.
Here’s the most important one:
Honestly, how often are people provided with a compelling, positive incentive to change the way they eat and exercise?
Uh, almost never.
And that’s the problem.
From what I can tell, most people just get lectured all the time about how they look, or about how they’ll be stricken by all kinds of terrible diseases and die if they don’t start to eat better.
Or they’re confronted with unrealistic, Photoshopped-and-starved images of “fitness perfection”.
Or someone blames them for “making excuses”.
Shame, hysterical negativity, and unrealistic expectations don’t motivate most people, regardless of the goal. That approach is condescending, annoying, and overwhelming.
That’s why we need something positive to help motivate us to make big changes.
Forget all the bad stuff. What happens when you have something hugely positive to shoot for?
Our approach to motivation: Fun and inspiring incentives!
In our experience, big, inspiring goals are much easier to achieve when something big is at stake.
So we started something fun:
Each year, we recognize the men and women who experience the biggest transformations in our program.
In the past, we’ve given away cash prizes (up to $25,000!). And this year, we’ll continue providing something fun and inspiring for our clients to shoot for.

Yes, internal (or intrinsic) motivation — the deep sense of “why” that helps people persist when things get tough — is important.
But intrinsic motivation takes time to develop and is only strengthened through regular practice (and great coaching). Which is why we kick-start the whole process with an external motivator; in this case something big, like a cash prize.
The best part: You win no matter what.
Precision Nutrition Coaching makes the process of losing weight, gaining strength, and getting healthy easier and more doable than ever before — no matter what else is going on in your life right now.
The good news is that we guarantee it…
1. If it doesn’t work, it’s free.
If you stick with Precision Nutrition Coaching for a year and aren’t happy with the results, we’ll give your money back. All of it. Every penny. You get to decide if the program was worth it.
Why do we do this? Because we stand behind our work. And we’re very confident you’ll end up leaner, stronger, healthier, and happier with your body than you ever thought you could be.
2. If you work hard and do a good job, you get in the best shape of your life.
Follow the program, and you will get the body you’re after, plain and simple. That’s what people are looking for — something that truly works. And that’s what we deliver. You walk out healthier and happier than ever before.
3. And if you do a great job, you get in the best shape of your life and you can win a really awesome prize.
Bonus: If you really kick butt here, you might even win something cool at the end too.
Watch as Lisa gets surprised by a giant novelty-sized check:
And here’s Spencer, another Precision Nutrition Coaching prize winner:
Is it time to become the healthiest, fittest, strongest version of yourself?
Precision Nutrition Coaching includes:
- 12 months of coaching for anyone who wants to be lean, fit, and healthy,
- world-class instructors including some of the best coaches in the world,
- daily coaching, support, and accountability to keep you on track,
- detailed nutrition instruction to get you eating in a healthier way,
- exercise recommendations for time-efficient fitness progress, and
- private support with guaranteed responses from coaches and mentors.
So, if you’re:
- interested in looking and feeling better,
- looking for help and support from an expert coach, and
- eager to make better eating and exercise decisions…
Precision Nutrition Coaching is definitely for you.
There’s only one catch…
Only folks who act quickly get a spot.
We’ve always had more people interested in Precision Nutrition Coaching than we’ve had space available to coach them.
In fact, our last coaching group sold out in just a few hours.
So we have an issue: How to decide who gets in.
My solution? Reward the most eager, motivated people because, in my experience, they make the best clients.
That’s why we created the presale list.
Enter the presale list.
If you want to get in the best shape of your life and take a shot at the $250,000 in prize money, I strongly recommend you put your name on the presale list.
Again, we can only work with a limited number of clients. And spots sell out every time we open them up.
So adding your name to this list gives you a huge advantage.
First of all, you get the chance to sign up 24 hours before everyone else.
Even better, you’ll receive a big discount at registration.
So put your name on the list below. Because, as always, spots are first come, first served, and when they’re gone, they’re gone.
Interested in Precision Nutrition Coaching? Join the presale list; you’ll save up to 54% and secure a spot 24 hours early.
We’ll be opening up spots in our next Precision Nutrition Coaching on Wednesday, July 9th, 2025.
If you’re interested in coaching and want to find out more, I’d encourage you to join our presale list below. Being on the list gives you two special advantages.
- You’ll pay less than everyone else. At Precision Nutrition we like to reward the most interested and motivated people because they always make the best clients. Join the presale list and you’ll save up to 54% off the general public price, which is the lowest price we’ve ever offered.
- You’re more likely to get a spot. To give clients the personal care and attention they deserve, we only open up the program twice a year. Last time we opened registration, we sold out within minutes. By joining the presale list you’ll get the opportunity to register 24 hours before everyone else, increasing your chances of getting in.
If you’re ready to change your body, and your life, with help from the world’s best coaches, this is your chance.
[Note: If your health and fitness are already sorted out, but you’re interested in helping others, check out our Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification program].