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‘What should I eat?!’ How to choose the best vegetarian and plant-based foods for your body. [Infographic]
Use this visual food list to create a delicious menu that fits your goals, preferences, and lifestyle.


“What can I actually eat on a plant-based or vegetarian diet?”

It’s natural to wonder about your options.

Carrots and broccoli are givens. But are all plant-based foods “okay” to eat?

So often, our clients want to know things like:

  • Is peanut butter a decent source of protein?
  • How often should I eat soy products?
  • Since I don’t eat fish, how do I get enough omega 3 fats? 
  • Are plant-based burgers okay?
  • Can I eat pasta on a plant-based diet? (Please say yes…?)

It can also be tricky to figure which plant-based foods fit into which macronutrient categories.

Take chickpeas, lentils, and veggie burgers. Are they mostly protein? Carbohydrates? Fat? (HELP!)

Questions like these are why we created this handy, visual food list for plant-based and vegetarian eaters. 

Fair warning: We’re not going to tell you that some foods are “good” and “bad”—or tell you there’s a “right” way to eat.

That’s just not our style. But we will show you how to think about foods on a spectrum from “eat more” to “eat some” to “eat less.”

This approach promotes one of the most crucial philosophies of our nutrition coaching method: Progress, not perfection.

Use our continuums to make choices that are “just a little bit better,” whether you’re browsing the grocery store aisles, cooking a homemade meal, or ordering from a menu.

Plus, learn how to:

  • Incorporate a mix of plant-based proteins, vegetables, carbohydrates, and fats.
  • Strategically improve your food choices—based on what you eat right now—to feel, move, and look better.
  • Customize your intake for your individual lifestyle, goals, and (of course) taste buds.

As a bonus, we’ve provided space to create your own personal plant-based foods continuum. That way, you can build a delicious menu of healthy foods that are right for you—no questions asked.

(And if you want a FREE plant-based nutrition plan that’s personalized for your body, goals, and lifestyle, check out the Precision Nutrition Calculator.)

Download this infographic for your tablet or printer and use the step-by-step process to decide which foods line up with your (or your clients’) goals.

If you’re a coach, or you want to be…

You can help people build sustainable nutrition and lifestyle habits that will significantly improve their physical and mental health—while you make a great living doing what you love. We'll show you how.

If you’d like to learn more, consider the PN Level 1 Nutrition Coaching Certification. (You can enroll now at a big discount.)

Ready to transform lives while doing what you love?

The world's #1 rated PN Nutrition Certification gives you the knowledge, skills, and tools to confidently coach nutrition with anyone. Click below to:

  • Receive a BIG discount off the regular price (includes a low monthly payment option)
  • Get lifetime access to the self-paced program—with support from PN's experts and your peers around the world
  • Master nutrition science and coaching—so you can get paid well to help people eat, feel, and live better