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💥 Buy 1 for ONLY $49/month—and Get 1 FREE! SSR Certification + Specialist Program

Buy 1 for ONLY $49/month—and Get 1 FREE!

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  • Limited time offer: Ends Friday!

How to win $100,000.
Meet our latest Precision Nutrition prize winners and hear their stories.


Meet our latest men’s and women’s grand prize winners and see who collected this year’s $100,000 in prize money.

A great feature of Precision Nutrition Coaching is the body transformation contest we run each year.

Here’s how it works: Every 6 months, we give away big prize money for the best transformations among our male and female clients.

For the current coaching group — which started in January 2014 and is wrapping up now — we’ve committed over $100,000.

And this is all part of the $250,000 we give away to clients every year.

For today, I’d like to announce the winners from this round of coaching:

$25,000 Grand Prize Winner: Jill

Lost 55 lbs and 59.4 total inches!

  • Age: 25 years
  • Weight Lost: 55 lbs (from 199 lbs to 144 lbs)
  • Total Inches Lost: 59.4 inches (from 249.8 inches to 190.4 inches)

About Jill

As a Registered Nurse in an ICU in Canada, Jill sees more than her share of sick folks. And, before she joined Precision Nutrition Coaching, she was well on her way to joining their ranks.

Leaving work after a night shift, she’d cross three lanes of traffic to get to her Egg McMuffin. “Somehow I convinced myself I ‘deserved’ it. Then I’d go home and sleep through a food coma.”

That’s how she managed to pack 210 pounds on her 5’2” frame. And no matter what she tried — diets, Crossfit, going gluten free — nothing seemed to make much difference.

It wasn’t just that she was overweight. She was also unhappy. “I was lost. I never smiled. I was missing a challenge, something to work toward.”

Precision Nutrition Coaching gave Jill the jumpstart she needed. With the help of her coach, she slowly began to question her former habits and started to replace them with better ones.

“I used to be an emotional eater. I never expected to become a person who could release my stress through exercise.”

“Now, if I don’t go to the gym for a few days, I’m itching to go back there the way I’d be itching to have cake, or to bake a pie, or to eat pancakes for breakfast with a mountain of whipped cream.”

These days, the sight of the golden arches isn’t a trigger for Jill anymore. Instead, she drives past the fast food eateries without a backward glance.

Best of all, she loves the person she’s become.

“I don’t regret one day of this last year. It was exactly what I needed to get myself back on my feet and feel fulfilled again. Not just because I lost weight. But because I now have the confidence to feel like I’m worth it.”

Note: To hear more about Jill’s emotional story, listen to this audio interview. In it, Jill talks with Precision Nutrition’s Susan Olding — a Precision Nutrition Coaching graduate herself — and shares her experience.

Precision Nutrition Women's Coaching - Jill

Precision Nutrition Women's Coaching - Jill

Precision Nutrition Women's Coaching - Jill

Also check out our other women’s winners:


$5,000 Women's Winner:

Age: 30 years

Weight Lost: 74.2 lbs (271 lbs to 196.8 lbs)

Total inches lost: 61.9" (282.4" to 220.5")


$5,000 Women's Winner:

Age: 39 years

Weight Lost: 52.6 lbs (222 lbs to 169.4 lbs)

Total inches lost: 46.4" (257.3" to 210.9")


$2,000 Women's Winner:

Age: 39 years

Weight Lost: 40.3 lbs (179.3 lbs to 139 lbs)

Total inches lost: 32" (240.5" to 208.5")


$2,000 Women's Winner:

Age: 44 years

Weight Lost: 49 lbs (183 lbs to 134 lbs)

Total inches lost: 41.5" (229.5" to 188")


$2,000 Women's Winner:

Age: 34 years

Weight Lost: 114.5 lbs (331 lbs to 216.5 lbs)

Total inches lost: 76.6" (323.8" to 247.2")

$25,000 Grand Prize Winner: Andrew

Lost 51 lbs and 36.4 total inches!

  • Age: 43 years
  • Weight Lost: 51 lbs (from 212.3 lbs to 161.3 lbs)
  • Total Inches Lost: 36.4 inches (from 252 inches to 215.6 inches)

About Andrew

Andrew Cairney had 16 years of dedicated gym-going behind him before he signed up for Precision Nutrition Coaching.

For almost as many years, he’d been an avid reader of T-Nation, a popular online website for hardcore guys interested in strength training.

With all this experience and exposure, Andrew knew a lot. He even worked out a lot. From all the effort he was putting in, he was deeply committed to fitness.

However he never even came close to the results he was looking for.

Andrew also suffered from annoying pain during his workouts. Genetic hip impingement limited his mobility and made some exercises difficult or even unsafe.

All of that changed when he joined Precision Nutrition’s coaching program.

In his very first week, he lost more than 7 pounds. And his weight just continued to drop. It wasn’t long before he had the six-pack he’d always dreamed of.

He also had a whole lot more.

“The workout program is fantastic.” he says. “For the first time in my whole life, I’ve been able to train without pain.”

Now, Andrew has become a role model for others. Guys in his gym in Australia keep asking him for his secret. And he’s feeling like a new man.

Capable. Centered. Comfortable in his own skin.

What’s the best thing about coaching, in his view?


“I’m a self-driven person. I could come up with my own program; I’m not there waiting for somebody to help me. But I love the fact that I could tap into the shared knowledge of thousands of people who had done this before.”

And if you need more proof, just take look at his pictures.

“I look at myself and what happened in one year, with support and guidance, compared to 16 years of doing it on my own.”

“You can achieve amazing changes with the right kind of coaching and support.”

Note: To hear more about Andrew’s inspiring story listen to this audio interviewIn it, Andrew talks with Precision Nutrition’s Susan Olding — a Precision Nutrition Coaching graduate herself — and shares his experience.

Precision Nutrition Men's Coaching - Andrew

Precision Nutrition Men's Coaching - Andrew

Precision Nutrition Men's Coaching - Andrew

Also check out our other men’s winners:


$5,000 Men's Winner:

Age: 65 years

Weight Lost: 69.7 lbs (273.2 lbs to 203.5 lbs)

Total inches lost: 37.6" (272.6" to 235")


$5,000 Men's Winner:

Age: 37 years

Weight Lost: 50 lbs (187 lbs to 137 lbs)

Total inches lost: 42.4" (238.5" to 196.1")


$2,000 Men's Winner:

Age: 42 years

Weight Lost: 63 lbs (236 lbs to 173 lbs)

Total inches lost: 66.9" (263" to 196.1")


$2,000 Men's Winner:

Age: 29 years

Weight Lost: 39.8 lbs (214 lbs to 174.2 lbs)

Total inches lost: 30.9" (242.3" to 211.4")


$2,000 Men's Winner:

Age: 40 years

Weight Lost: 59.5 lbs (248 lbs to 188.5 lbs)

Total inches lost: 33.4" (257.8" to 224.4")

Recognizing all our winners

I’d also like to recognize the hard work of the other finalists, and all of our incredible Precision Nutrition clients.

Bodies were transformed, obstacles overcome, health was restored, and lives were made more complete.

It’s been an honor to work with each and every one of you.

To view all the men’s and women’s finalists from all of our Precision Nutrition Coaching programs, click one of the links below.

Of course, if you’re interested in working toward a body or health transformation of your own, consider joining our next Precision Nutrition Coaching group. We’re opening up a few spots in the coming weeks.

Want help becoming the healthiest, fittest, strongest version of you?

Most people know that regular movement, eating well, sleep, and stress management are important for looking and feeling better. Yet they need help applying that knowledge in the context of their busy, sometimes stressful lives.

Over the past the past two decades, we’ve used the Precision Nutrition Coaching method to help over 150,000 clients lose fat, get stronger, and improve their physical and mental health… for the long-term… no matter what challenges they’re dealing with.

It’s also why we work with health, fitness, and wellness professionals (through our Level 1 and Level 2 Certification programs) to teach them how to coach their own clients through the same challenges.


Don't miss out!

Spots open July 9th. Get on the PN Coaching presale list today and you'll...

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  • Register 24 hours earlier than everyone else—to increase your chances of getting a spot.
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